No sweets - Last week of February

Good Morning, All ~
How is everyone today?

So far, so good today, I had a Pria bar for breakfast, since I have to run my son to the eye doctor I needed something fast!
What is everyone's take on Protein Bars? The Pria I had this morning, if I didn't know it I would of thought it was a candy bar!

Tonight, I have SJP on the agenda. I was really surprised at the energy I had last night for Lo-Max, I guess eating clean helps in more way than one...:)

Take care & Enjoy your Day!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

I just got home and I had a serving of ice cream, besides that my diet was pretty much clean. I rarely workout on Tuesdays and today is no exception. Tomorrow I'm doing the workout I was supposed to do on Monday: cardio + PS:SL&A.

I rarely eat protein bars, but when I don't have time to eat like I'm supposed to I go to the health food and get some for snacks. I try to avoid them in general because they are too sweet and often loaded with artificial ingredients, but eating a couple once in awhile can't be that bad. I've tried a couple that have yogurt coating and taste pretty good. So my take on it is that it's better to eat actual food (trail mix, fruit, yogurt, etc.) than a protein bar, but if I'm in a hurry I definitely eat them because I don't like to skip meals.
Hello ladies!! Today was clean except for a few potatoe chips. And I do mean a few!! I also had a huge salad for dinner- yippee Veggies!!! I did Magically Hips yoga- ahhhhhhhhhh!! It's not on my rotation, but I am subbing one cardio a week for yoga. I really need it. I also did 2 pullups in single sets. These are much harder than chinups and I must work on them x(

Rose, you seem to like PS. Can you tell me what it's like or how it's different from say GS or S&H. I may need to check it out.

Jenn & Affirm, how's it going?

Hi Ladies!
All went well today except for the dark chocolate Dove Bar I had w/ lunch, other than that everything went great! Hey, isn't dark chocolate supposed to be good for you?? :)
Dinner tonight was a quick one, PB&J w/ a salad, probably not the best mixture, but I wanted to get some veggies in.

Workout tonight was SJP, another goodie that I haven't done in a while, tomorrow is a steady state run, but since I don't run, I am going to do some form of HIIT training.

Hope all is well w/ everyone.
Take care!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Hey ladies!! Today was clean, but not the best on veggies. Will have to make up tomorrow. I did B&G tonight- so I have lead legs againg X( Tomorrow is CF- I haven't done that one in a while. I know it's a compilation, but man oh man :eek:

Can not believe it is March (well, tomorrow). Oh and guess what? This is a little vainity showing through, but oh well. While doing B&G walking lunges segment I noticed something. I have this picture on the wall that I can see my reflection in. Well, I could see more definition in my arms. You know where the delts meet the bicep/tricep area? I haven't weighed myself and still feel thicker in the middle than I should be, but I'll take definition in the arms anyday!! This rotation (nov 06) has alot more cardio in it than I usually do. I guess that in combo with trying to eat better has helped.

have a great evening!

ETA: forgot to say that DH tells me this evening "oh, I bought you some ice cream" He was so proud of himself. At least it was Eddy's Brand slow churn low fat and low cal. I think he bought it for himself. Just knowing the stuff is here makes it hard. DANG IT!!

Hey ladies. How have you been? Well I tried my best today and did a great workout: cardio session + PS:SL&A. When it came time to dinner I was a little bit tired (a combination of just working out pretty hard, plus the fatigue I have while I'm waiting for that time of the month) so I ordered Chinese food :eek:. Rice with veggies and pepper chicken. It was yummy and to my surprise not salty or greasy, but then again, yesterday I did better with my vegetarian dinner.

Jennifer, I love Italian food. That's my favorite, and by the way, dark chocolate rocks! Have you tried Hershey's Special Dark? You'd think you died and went to heaven. The secret to eating dark chocolate ocasionally is portion control. When I buy a bar of Special Dark I eat a couple of squares per day until it's gone.

Catherine, I am defitely a PS-aholic. I would describe it as GS light, it is definitely not as tough as GS, but if you find a challenging weight for you then it is an awesome workout. Today my legs were shaking when I finished the floorwork. My favorite thing about those workouts is the length (especially of CST and BBA), they're about 40mins which means you can add a short cardio before or after doing them and get a super workout. In PS you don't get long rest periods like in S&H and the count of the exercises is pretty much a normal count on most exercises (you will see some variations, but in the majority of exercises you see a normal count). PS is pure weight training: traditional exercises, 2-3 sets of about 10 repetitions, and no dyna bands, just dumbbells and barbells. Cathe uses a 15lbs bodybar in SL&A, but you don't need it because you can substitute with ankle weights and dumbbells. I also love that since the rest periods are shorter (like in GS) you feel your heart rate up sometimes, which also makes you burn fat. The ab routines are 100% traditional: crunches, reverse crunches, and oblique exercises. No medicine balls or stability balls and no moves that can hurt your back if you're not careful. That's pretty much it. I do the upper body tapes pretty much as is, but with SL&A I sometimes add the floorwork of B&G for variation. I also add additional ab routines sometimes. You can do those things easily with these series. Ok so this was long, but I hope it helps.

Affirm, yoo hoo! Where have you been? Did you modify the tank top arms rotation?

My next workout is on Friday, unless I wake up early tomorrow and do some yoga and stretching, but I probably won't have the energy for that. Take care everybody.
Hey Ladies~ How was everyone's day?

Today was a bad day for eating. Let's just say it was my, "cheat," day! I am trying to follow the Body for Life plan...Has anyone had any luck with this eating plan? From all the ones I have read, this one seems like the easiest to follow for me.

Yeah, the Hershey's Dark Chocolate is one of my favorites besides the Dove bar. But I have no control, if I take one bite, I have to finish the entire bar! Forget about have a bag of chocolate in the house, if it's in the house I have no control, I will stuff my face until it's gone...:)

No workout tonight, last night I did Step Blast & 30 mins of Tae-Bo. I was in a meeting all day at work, so I was exhausted by the time I came home. Tomorrow is Leaner Legs (or should I say, Meaner Legs..:)

Talk to you tomorrow.
Take Care ~

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Well today I had a migraine all morning and afternoon(I always get them before ttom). It was gone by 4pm or so. I usually take it easy after I get migraines so when I got home I just sat in bed for awhile because I didn't want to exercise and get yet another migraine. Now I'm doing some reading and preparing things for a meeting at 10:30am tomorrow. I didn't exercise, but my diet was very clean. Hopefully when I get home tomorrow I can exercise. *crosses fingers*
On Thursday, I did pyramid upper body. I ate clean during the day. But, I had a sweet treat after dinner. I had a small amount of ice cream and a couple of girl scout cookies together. I guess I started my cheat before the weekend. I was so satisfied when I was done though. I can remember the time that the bowl would have been running over with ice cream and I would have had about 6 cookies to go with it. Progress-----regardless.
Hey ladies!! I was major suprised that I didn't have DOMS from B&G that I did on Wed. Eating has been clean, but just lacking the veggies :( Yesterday I did CF and today is a rest day. Tomorrow is supposed to be DM but I am switching BM2. I can do BM2 on an off day, but can not see me ever getting it done during the week. So I'll do the ole switch a roo!! I haven't gotten on the scale but was told by a friend yesterday (one who workouts) that I looked like I am leaning out!!! I think it's the combo of the rotation and eating. I am getting waaaaaaaaaay more cardio with this rotation than I normally do.

Rose, sorry to hear about your migraine. I suffer from them as well. You are right not to exercise after one. Sometimes I am out of commission for two days after one.

Jennifer, I love dark chocolate too!! I don't know anything about BFL though. But it seems like lots on this forum are following it. Have fun with Meaner Legs }(

Affirm, it's good that you can eat sweets and control your portions.
I love PUB, another one I must do at some point when done with my rotation.

Hey ladies!! Well today was good except I ate a few chips (darn those chips being in the house- the quicker I eat them the sooner I don't have to worry about them LOL!!)

Hope everyone is headed into a good weekend. I will be doing BM2 tomorrow. Someone please have the paramedics on standby for me!!

Well, today was *the* day so I took yet another rest day. My diet was almost clean (I had some Sprite with dinner and some ice cream for lunch, but very small servings of both), besides that everything else was clean. Tomorrow I'm doing 10-10-10 (cardio only) + PS: BBA + B&G (stability ball abs only). I can't wait! Have a nice weekend ladies.
I am back. I did BM2 this morning- all except abs. But I did a total of 22 chinups. I almost made it to 5 in a row this morning. Which has been my goal. I had a set back last year with my back and it has taken me forever to get back up to almost doing 5. I have my sights set on that number!!

Went to the movies to see Wild Hogs with DH- very funny!! I avoided popcorn and pop. Took my own air popped pocorn and drank water. Am having a huge salad right now. Yipee veggies!! But must admit a sin is in the fridge- tiramisu!!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!!

I just finished my Saturday workout yay! That was my second full workout of the week, but I'll get back on track. I am having a post workout snack right now: yogurt with almonds. Yum! You know Catherine if I go to the movies I gotta have some popcorn. Good job for avoiding that! I've never done BM2 as is. I've only done the step portion and I haven't seen or done what comes after that. I even forgot they have abs in there. I probably should preview that so I can add them in future workouts.

I also hope you ladies are enjoying the weekend. I have tons of things to do, but I already did my workout for today and got that out of the way. Tomorrow begins a new week. I'm not going to have any cheat days this weekend because I cheated enough during the week. Oh well... :)
Rose, isn't it a good feeling to have that workout over? I have done BM2 in it's enitirety about 3-4 x. It's looooooooong, but I always feel so accomplished when I am done. This one is definately a weekend workout. I can not workout for an hour and a half during the week.

Tomorrow is KPC and I am looking forward to that. This rotation has soooooooo much step. Kickbox will be a very welcome change.

That rotation you're doing apparently has tons of cardio only & circuits. Sounds good if you're trying to lean out and want your muscles to show. I'm going to up my weights for PS next week and do it for 2-3 more weeks and then I don't know what I'll do next. I'm thinking doing CTX for 2-3 weeks but doing the weight sections twice a week by mixing one CTX cardio and two CTX bodyparts per day (one big bodypart say back with one small body part like biceps or triceps). Something like that. I still have a couple of weeks to plan it well.
Rose that actually sounds like a good rotation. My CTX is gathering dust,.... Need to work that in somewhere eventually. I think the rotation I am doing is a good one to follow up the S&H rotation that I just finished. I am definately leaning out. Even my tummy looks flatter. I had gained about 7 pounds from Nov-Dec. I don't know what I weight, but I feel smaller. I will be doing the Dec rotation next which combines the GS with the new w/os. Another series that's been gathering dust the GS. This is the first Cathe rotation I have followed and I am really enjoying it.

Hi Ladies ~
Rest day for me today, I was out Shopping all day w/ my DD. We also went to the movies to see Wild Hogs, it was actually really funny!

Eating is going well today, having Pasta (again!) for dinner.
Tomorrow is Drill Max :0
Having some major DOMS from Meaner Legs last night.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Take Care -

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


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