No sweets Check-in Feb 18-24

Hello Ladies! I was back on the step this morning doing intervals 1 -5 from IMAX 2 followed by abs from Cardio and Weights. After 2 days off, I was excited about working out today. Other than a peppermint here and there and a few starbursts, I am doing good. No chocolate, no ice-cream, those are the things that normally get me, so I feel good.

I am enjoying the check in---so I vote for a yes for continuing in March.

Rose, I did check out Marlene's orignial tank top arms rotation. I don't have the Slow and Heavy series. However, I need to try to modify and see if I can hit those same muscle groups 3 times weekly like that rotation. Maybe, I will mix and match and see what I can come up with for the month of March.

I can't believe that we have been focused on cleaner eating for 2 months now. YIPPEE!!!
I'm glad we're keeping this up. I believe the check-in is very helpful. Today I did hi/lo for cardio and PS:BBA. I had fun. I ate some fruit salad today and it had extra light syrup. I would've prefer fresh fruit salad, but it wasn't an option.

Catherine I hope you find something fun to do to release stress. I love my pets and I suffer when something is wrong with them.

Affirm, I sooooooo want to do that tank top arms rotation or something similar, but I want to be in my goal weight first. I guess you can substitute the workouts with whatever you have. The main thing is to work out shoulders, biceps, and triceps three times a week.

Well, I'm glad the weekend is here so I can catch up on my workouts. I plan to be good with my diet too. Have fun ladies!
I did well with eating today. But I was really craving this evening. Thank goodness we didn't have anything in the house LOL!! I did B&G standing portion only. Was gonna do abs but my legs wouldn't cooperate!! They were too tired. Do either of you have that problem with ab work at the end of a leg w/o.

Affirm, I know what you mean about being excited to workout after time off. It feels good doesn't it?

Rose, you are a weekend warrior!! I may have to check out this tanktop rotation.

Today I did cardio + PS:CST. Tomorrow I'm doing yoga. Catherine, when I don't have enough time to exercise during the week I make my body go to bootcamp on the weekends. That's how I make up for it. :) Wow and today was my cheat day and I didn't actually cheat like I normally do. I went to visit my mom and she had vanilla ice cream with chocolate fugde and I only had two spoonfuls of it. It was way too sweet and I used to eat that brand of ice cream like it was nothing. My palate has got to be changing or maybe my brain makes me feel satisfied with tiny amounts of sugar. Who knows? I had no idea this check-in would make me change the way I eat. This is awesome. Now if I can control my cravings for sugar during that time of the month then that would be something.

Well, the last week of Feb is almost here. What are your plans for March? I'll tell you mine tomorrow.
Today was absolutely a cheat day. I had waffles and sausage for breakfast. I had a fish sandwich and blackberries for lunch. I went to a pot dinner at a friends house. I ate a little bit of everything including dessert. I know it was just one day, but I know I have not eaten this much since we started the no sweets. I have really tried to stay focus on cleaner eating all together.

I am looking forward to March. Maybe I will see how I can modify the tank top rotation.

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