No sugar diet?

Kathleen Desmaisons theories support balance

Here is her way of living:
1. eat breakfast with protein
2. journal what you eat and how you feel
3. eat three meals a day with protein
4. take the recommedned vitamins and have a potato before bed(for seratonin production)
5. shift from white foods to brown foods (whole grains)
6.reduce or eliminate sugars
7. create a new life.

These steps are to be done GRADUALLY. To become a healthy sugarfree person you need to take every step and do it until it is a part of your life. Sugar is very powerful for many of us, and it doesn't always work to just stop eating it without a proper healthy foundation.

You need to read her books if you've noticed you mainly eat sugar and white, starchy carbs. If you eat or want to eat the whole plate of cookies, the whole box of ice cream, the whole bag of bread etc. That isn't normal and it's what I used to want to do before I discovered these books. I couldn't successfully control my eating until I lived these steps.

I just hope this reaches you if you need it!
RE: Thanks

Thanks for the heads up info on the books and websites. I am one of those who is addicted to suger. Since I have been on the carbohydrate addicts eating plan the cravings have mostly gone away. ( However, when I am stressed, my first thought is ice cream.) I have to stay totally away from sweets. There is no such thing as a little with me. I will finish a half gallon of ice cream even though my mouth is frozen and I can no longer taste it. I have noticed that when I do have sugar, I feel very lethargic, almost semi-comatose. Has this happened to anyone?
Thanks again.
RE: Thanks

Hi Jackie,

I too can easily polish off an entire half gallon of ice cream in a night. And it's only one particular flavor too. Weird huh? I am not like that with any other food, and I eat a super healthy diet and keep in shape. I often wondered if I was the only one who could do that!! :) I think it has to do with boredom at night, emotions, and thinking that it's some sort of "reward" for being good. But it just sabotages all your hard work. And that whole half gallon just goes straight to the hips and butt. Why do we do this to ourselves? I find that I cannot keep it in the house, and even though I could control it before....and only have some ice cream on my cheat day.....I simply cannot do that now. Are we crazy??? I think we need to start an "ice-cream addicts forum". haha. If anyone has any advice as to how to change bad habits please let me know. Out of sight - out of mind just isn't strong enough all the time.
First I wanted to say I really appreciate all the great recomendations for books and websites from you all. I enjoy reading and learning all I can about this topic. I find I can usually pick up a new idea or thought by reading as many sources on this as I can. So thanks again :)

Yes I get the same exact feeling from eating sugar but it comes after a kind of high then I can literally feel blood sugar take a nose dive and I feel very comatose.


Im very sorry I missed your post above. Thanks for you kind words. To answer your questions. First yes I do make smoothies several times a week. There are tons of different ways to do it but here is what I do: I start with either straight water or water mixed with a little fruit juice (appx 12oz). I add protein powder (there are two I like once made of rice and one made of egg whites if you want more info on those let me know). You could use cottege cheese or yogart in place of the protein powder but I really like it this way. It works well for me. Next I put in a piece of fruit (bananna, apple, nectarine, cantelope etc). Next I add pure coconut milk (nothing added to it). Despite what most people have heard coconut milk and oil is extremely healthy. I can explain why if you want more info. But studies have proven it to have excellent antiviral and antifungal properties. It's excellent for speeding up metabolism and recommended for people trying to lose weight. Lastly I add one cup of frozen mixed berries. They have tons of fiber and are very filling and also being frozen act like ice does. Thats it. It's easy, filling and very satisfying. Sometimes I will even use it as a quick meal when Im on the run too.

As far as my diet, I try to eat at 4-6 times a day and incorporate a protien and a carbohydrate with each meal. I use mostly fruits and vegetables for carbs, occasionally grains like oatmeal or whole grain foods.I drink alot of low sodium or salt free vegetable juice especially when I crave sugar. I eat chicken, fish, beef, turkey etc for protein as well as eggs and cottege cheese. I still use butter and olive oil alot when I cook. So far this has been working well for me. Im losing weight, feeling much better mentally and physically. If you want more information just ask. I don't want to make this too long hehe.

Ive really enjoyed this thread. Even though I wish other people didn't have the struggle with sugar that I do it certainly is nice to know there are others out there and that we can help and support each other here! :)

Hi Alison,
Having a nicotine addiction (recovering) has taught me what an addiction feels like. I don't consider my struggle with sugar to be much less of an ordeal.
I have gotten a lot out of this thread too, and especially from your original posts. I just wanted to say thank you. I have printed out this thread & put it where I can refer to it when I have that craving.
Wish me luck, I want to beat this addiction too! And good luck to all of you who are struggling with me.
Ruth :)
I'm bringing this post back up from the basement because I was wondering how the original poster is doing with her plan to become sugar-free. LY22, if you're out there, how about an update?

Also, I wanted to thank all of you for your posts to this thread. After reading this back in Aug., it took me a while to get the courage up but I finally did it---I joined the ranks of the non-sugar eaters!!! It has been only 9 days so far so I'm very new at this, but after the initial 3 days of terrible withdrawal headaches I must say that I've never felt this good. Sugary treats are NOT a basic life necessity as I thought they were! Thanks for the inspiration to attempt something I thought was impossible.

Whoohooo! Congratulations Deb!! :-jumpy That really is such an accomplishment. Iam so glad to hear that you are feeling so much better now :D Keep us posted on how you are doing. If you ever to email me for any suggestions or just to encourage each other feel free. I would love to hear how you progess!

Alison :)
Hi Deb

Hope I have the right Deb. You're in Clovis aren't you? I saw "Tortilla Soup" last week. Good movie & wonderful latin food. Raquel Welch does an over the top performance. If it doesn't hit Fresno/Clovis, be sure to rent it.

The movie won't tempt you to break your anti-sugar diet. You will be hitting the farmers' market.


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