No soreness w/ S&H?


Dear educated crowd:
I finally got brave enough to try S&H (just the shoulders part)even tho i've had the tape since it came out. my question is: have you all felt sorness after doing the S&H series? maybe i didn't use heavy enough weights because i feel absolutely no soreness today. Shouldn't i feel some soreness to show that i've worked the muscles and to make progress?
Any advise would be welcome! Thanks
Hi Lynne,

Possibly you didn't use weights as challenging as you could have, however, for some strange reason, the first time I did S&H I didn't feel any soreness until the 2nd day. Weird for me because I usually start to feel something within 12 to 24 hours on other workouts. Now that I've gone through the series at least once, on my second time around, I am feeling it more quickly. Of course I use the first time on a workout to figure out what weights to use, etc, so probably I'm more focused after that too.

Just my two cents.

If you did a search, you would probably find 20 different posts with this same question. I personally think that the 1 min. rest has a lot to do with it. You break down a lot of lactic acid. Also, if I do S&H on Mon, I don't feel it until Wed or Thurs. Have fun!
I also think the rests and stretches between sets help offset lactic acid build-up. I find that I'm not very sore at all after doing S&H, but that I'm very sore after doing Powerhour.
Kathryn: i did a search (after i posted!) and saw a similar post i think by you. Did you stay on the S&H for 3 weeks? and if so, did you see any results, even though you did not have any soreness?
i too, get sore from power hour, but am worried i won't see results from S&H if i am not sore!!
Actually, I'm pretty fickle about my exercise routines and I don't usually stay with any one for three weeks. I did use S/H chest and back (with shoulders added) for about two weeks, combining it with other routines for the legs and arms. I definitely have gained strength by doing slow and heavy, because when I go back to moderate weight routines, I can lift heavier. Now, I like alternating between slow and heavy (for the strength benefit) with the higher rep/lower weight routines (for sculpting).
I rarely feel soreness in the shoulder area and I have to wonder if it's because we use that area for everything from lifting to pushing. On the last set of shoulders S&H last Sunday, I tacked on an extra set of overhead presses doing each shoulder separately with a heavy weight, I felt a slight twinge of difference from the norm the next day, but I thought I would be really sore. Now triceps, that's a differenct story, when I start my rotation of S&H and I do triceps, I am really really sore the next day so I'm thinking it's because we don't use the tricep area a lot??

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