no more cardio


i've come to realize that i really dislike cardio. for me its like pulling teeth so i've decided to eliminate it from my program to see what happens. i only do 2 days as of right now so i'm just going to drop those days and do all weights. i know cardio is an important component to fitness but i feel that i get my cardio work when i do weights since i'm lifting heavy. this is what i'm going to do
monday: legs
tuesday: chest, tris, and abs
wednesday: legs
thursday: back, bis, and shoulders
friday: legs and abs
sat and sunday off
i enjoy weights so much more so thats where i'm going to focus my efforts.

I'm interested to see how this works for you - what your body composition changes will be, weight loss, etc. I'm also curious as to how old you are, so I can compare to my own scenario - I'm going to be 39 in November.

I have been scaling back on my cardio too. But I can't give it up all together since it makes me feel better a lot of the time and I think it's important. My only suggestion would be that maybe on Sundays (or your rest day) you go for a nice walk...?
Just a suggestion. :)

Annette Bethel

I haven't cut out cardio completely. I do cardio 2-3x a week with a longer cardio, ie one hour like Cathe. I have been doing mostly weighted workouts lately, though. I am 43 by the way.
I hate cardio too, and I'll be watching your results with great interest. I've tried this before and it didn't work for me. I don't think an all cardio without weights program works either. You really need to do both for optimum results. It pains me to say this, it really does because I'd rather scrub toilets than do cardio ;) . Even if you don't need cardio to lose weight, you still need it for heart health, and it does help to keep those pesky cholesterol and triglyceride levels at bay.

I cannot believe I'm trying to talk someone into doing cardio :eek: . Maybe I woke up in a parallel universe this morning :p
I also prefer weight training to cardio. I generally do cardio once a week, and occasionally twice. I didn't think it was enough to make a difference, but when I'm running to make a subway, I'm truly amazed at how far I can run without getting winded. Surprisingly, just one or two 45-minute cardio sessions per week really make a big difference to my heart and lungs. :D
I am not the biggest fan of cardio either. I started out with cardio years ago when I began with Taebo. No weight training... I thought only men lifted weights (I was only 19). Then I moved to running and pilates. Now I don't do any of that stuff since Cathe. I am now 28. I love circuits b/c they give me a feeling of such accomplishment. I can't stand to run and there is so much I would rather do, but I am somewhat OCD (for real!) and I have this fear if I don't run at least once a week, I will gain all my weight back. But running is torturous for me. I get angry on my running days, and that can't be good. I am with you though - if I could drop cardio, I probably would but my OCD won't let me!!! Good luck!! CLarissa ;)
I really don't think you need to do cardio to keep your lungs strong and healthy. I don't do much cardio at but I do breathing exercises everyday so when I do cardio, I have no problem at all in the breathing department. The muscles in my legs give out before my lungs do. Just make sure that when you lift, you are inhaling and exhaling a lot and not holding your breath. That way you'll be getting the extra oxygen that a cardio workout would give you. It's all that extra oxygen that burns the excess fat. I just don't believe you have to jump up and down a zillion times to get it. Just breath more. Of course, your heart could use a workout every now and then, too. :)
I know when I did the Slim Series "Mix It Up" yesterday, my heartrate was up there! This woman never quits lifting and moving throughout the workout, it wasn't so hard you had to stop, but hard enough to feel good about yourself afterwards-kinda like Cathe's Bootcamp!

I would personally rather do cario all day long, I hate the burn from lifting, that painx( and I used to be a competitive bodybuilder, probably why I hate it today. But I still do it-just have been exploring different ways, so I totally understand why you are trying something different.

Let us know how its going!:)
>Even if you don't need cardio to
>lose weight, you still need it for heart health, and it does
>help to keep those pesky cholesterol and triglyceride levels
>at bay.

I agree.

Instead of giving up cardio all together, I'd do something like a 30 minute walk most days of the week, or a short cardio workout (10-15 minutes) before your weight-training sessions as an extended 'warm-up.' Biking, hiking, or another activity are also things to look into, or even kettlebell swings.
This is just me, but when I was doing more weights, and maybe 3 cardio step sessions a week, I had my best results. I started running about a month ago, training for a 15k, and I have gained 3 lbs! And it has all been in my butt and thighs, my skinny pants are tighter and the scale is showing the increase. Maybe cardio makes you hungrier than weightlifting?

I don't look forward to doing cardio, but I love the 'high' i get after a tough cardio workout. I dread weight workouts less, but don't get that high.

Keep us posted on your results!
Heart health is the ONLY reason I continue to do any cardio.

I could do strength training for an hour and the time just flies but have me do any type of cardio for 20 minutes and it feels like a lifetime.:)
thanks for all the replies. i'm 26 and i think i have an endo/eco build. i'm not sure how long i will stick with this but i would like to give it a month and see what happens. i'm worried about gaining weight as well b/c i have kept off 35lbs for almost 8 yrs. the worst that can happen is that i gain weight and then i will just add cardio back in.
Kariev- you are exactly like me. Similar in age, and I have also kept about 35+ pounds off for 8 years! I have my 10 year reunion next month!!! Can't WAIT!!!! hahahaha!
I LOVE cardio!

I don't feel really worked out unless I do some form of cardio.

Of course I enjoy weights too.

I think a person needs both to have a well rounded fitness program.
Interesting...because I would rather drop weight lifting all together and just do cardio !! Maybe because I am a real fan of step aerobics and hi/lo cardio !!!
I absolutely love cardio as well!! To each there own, obviously, but nothing gives me a better feeling than successfully completing one of Cathe's kickbox DVD's.

I will say this..I have never been a fan of weight training, but Muscle Max is the most enjoyable hour of weight training I have done, I love that workout!!

I'm one of those cardio lovers. I have been a runner for decades and have never tired of it. I have had to cut back on my cardio days; I now run 3 to 4 days, instead of 5 or 6. Being in my 40's, my joints just can't handle the pounding. I do weight work 3 days a week and I enjoy it and really like the way it shapes my body. However, I hate chest work. It has a huge dread factor for me and I have to force myself to do it.


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