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Active Member
I'm ready to purchase my next Cathe video. This is what I have: PS Series, IMAX, MIS, MIC, Body Max, Mega Step Blast, Step Heat. I want another step video with good intensity. My favorite step video of all of these is (hard to choose) Body Max.

What should I get next? Thanks for the suggestions.
tied - 2 favorites

Power Max is one of my all time favorites and is pretty intense but slower (if you can call it that) than the other one I would pick-Step Works. I say slower, because there are combos in Step Works that seem quicker than others. However, this adds to the funness of the video. Both are winners.

Hi Sharon!

I love The Wedding tape. (Even though I've been married for almost 28 years!!)One of the things I like about this tape is that it is broken down into 2 sections-(1)Step Aerobics-38 minutes, (2)Muscle Conditioning-47 minutes, so depending on your w/o that day you can choose one or the other or both! I am fairly new at step but I picked it up real easy and was able to work out at a high level right away. Hope this helps. You seem to have all the same tapes as me.I also have Step N Motion and Step Works but have not tried them yet. Hope you like it!
My Picks

I second the pick for "Power Max" -- something about the choreography and the music and intensity all came together in that video.

I also have grown to like the "Wedding Tape's" cardio part. I love the music and it is intense, but has less complex choreography.

Hope this helps


p.s. "Step Works" is also a good workout -- very fast-moving and intense. I don't care for it as much as the other two I mentioned, but it still is a great workout.
I have to copy what Amy said. My first choice would be Power Max - a very fun video with good intensity. I think Step Works might be a little more intense, but I get tired of it quickly and I never get tired of Powermax. I'm sure you will enjoy whatever you get!
Another vote for Powermax! As Amy said, everything really comes together in this video. I like Stepworks a lot, too, but I think the choreography in Powermax flows extremely well and is a little easier to pick up. I like the music in Powermax better, too. They are about the same intensity-wise, except for the last section, where Stepworks is tougher. Whatever you choose, enjoy!


I have purchased 9 of Cathe's tapes since the 1st. of the year and PowerMax was not one of them!! It figures!! I guess I know which tape I will be getting next when I come up with a few $. I also have StepWorks and have not done it yet. I'll definitely be putting that in my Rotation soon. Thanks for the info everyone.
and the winner is...

PowerMax it is!!! Then I'll get Step Works and then Wedding Tape. Thanks ya'll for the suggestions, I really appreciated it!!!

Thanks too Debra for the heartrate info. What a relief for me!! Ya'll are the greatest! Sharon
Go Sharon!

Let us know how you like Powermax. I agree with what everyone has said about it too. While it is a little slower paced than most of the others you have, it really kicks in nicely after the warm up and especially so after the first cardio section. The second cardio section is one of my all time favorite pieces. I had so much fun choreographing that section. The music is so much fun too. Have fun
Power Max's Second Section

Cathe, I just LOVE the choreography in the second section of Power Max. It is my all time favorite section. But my all-time favorite move is the 360 in Power Max's third section. It took me a while to figure it out, but it just moves!

If I only had a video of the first time I tried those 360s....I would need audio, too because I was cursing a blue streak.
I have never come across a video that came together so well. that second section is unbelievable. The music is so great!! Just wantd to put in my $.02.

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