Next Step - critique my workout schedule


I am looking for a new DVD and I'm always looking to improve my fitness. I work out an hour a day and I really can't find more time than that. I love cardio and I'm less advanced in weights. I'm limited in what I can lift because of an old back problem. I don't want to lose weight but I'd like to gain muscle. I'm kinda between intermediate/advanced and advanced. I'm older than dirt so I might need to add more stretching. Some of these workouts are too hard for me and I have to modify them a bit...but I love challenges. Please send suggestions

Sunday: Off
Monday: Amy Bento's hi/low Extreme Plus one section of Cathe's ab hits
Tuesday: Amy Bento's all pump extreme
Wednesday: Low Max - Cathe- Plus one section of Cathe's ab hits
Thursday: High Step Challenge- Cathe
Friday: Terrific Trio - Happy Hour - Christi Taylor
(last) Saturday: Cardio and Weights - Cathe
You have me OLD is dirt? :) Do you already have other Cathe workouts or are these all you have?

I'm thinking you should try more circuit workouts like Low Impact Circuit and Step Jump and Pump which also has Step Blast and a bunch of premixes. For weights I would get Muscle Endurance and Muscle Max. Are you wanting to lift heavier but needing to proceed cautiously? For the most part any of Cathe's weights workouts can be easily modified.

Thanks for your response.... Dirt is older than probably anyone on the board!!!! Anyone reading this think they can compete with my old age???

Yes, I would like to lift heavier but I'm do need to be careful because of my old back problem. I haven't really had problems for years but I know I have to be careful.

I love Cathe's workouts and the only ones I currently have are
Basic Step
IMAX 2 and Cardio and Weights
High Step Challenge
Ab Hits

I have been looking at LIC and Step Jump and Pump and they really look good to me and I'm thinking of putting in an order. I would enjoy those more than straight weights workouts. I have a Jari video and I rarely do it, but I one of my favorite workouts is Cardio and Weights. Somehow the inclusion of the cardio motivates me to do it.

I do all the stretches at the end of workouts but I've got really tight hamstrings. Do you think I should add a stretch DVD for my rest day or ?
Yes you would benefit greatly stretching on your rest day. I do that and personally like Cathe's Stretch Max and use it alot. I do know alot of people enjoy yoga for increasing their flexibiity but Stretch Max works for me. My hamstrings get really tight too and one of my favorite segments on Stretch Max is stretching using the band. It works wonders on those hams!

I looked at Stretch Max and it looks good. Do you do cardio before you stretch? Will it still be effective if I don't do cardio before it?
If it's on a rest day, I don't necessarily do any cardio, but perhaps a short walk on my treadmill. I do like to have my body warmed up prior, but it doesn't have to be intense cardio.


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