News about Singulair


I knew you don't smoke. The comment wasn't directed to you. I hope it didn't come across that way.

The water cooler talk comments about people talking about the medication while they were smoking just reminded me of my encounter with the person who was smoking while complaining about the big city pollution.
To comment on the use of antibiotics:

About 18 months ago I was bitten by my cat. He was constantly escaping and so against my wishes, I conceded and we let him become an indoor/outdoor cat. So during this 'outside cat' transition, I heard him meowing really strangely outside. I stepped outside and saw him one one side of a wooden lattice fence and another cat on the other side. I reached for him (to try and grab his scruff) and he turned around in terror (while I was holding him) and bit my hand. I retreated back and knocked my thumb into the fence (which was excruciating - I still have numbness in that thumb to this day).
So of course we went to the emergency room and they cleaned out the wound. The doc who looked at it didn't want to prescribe me antibiotics (I'm sure for a lot of good reasons) and sent me home.
The next day I woke up with a bright red, HUGE paw (it didn't look like a hand anymore). I followed all of her advice about keeping it clean, etc and it still got infected. Long story short, I ended up spending 2 nights in the hospital getting IV antibiotics that cleared up the infection. If she had given me the antibiotics in the first place, it probably wouldn't have gotten infected but sometimes it really is a guessing game. I don't blame her. She was doing her best. It is true that doctors aren't perfect. No one is. I feel that the majority of them are trying to help people.

Sorry that happened to you, Carolyn.

I just think that particularly antibiotics (as well as other drugs) are way overprescribed! Even studies through conventional medical professionals (not us kooky naturopaths :) :p ) gave a chance of infection of dog bites of 10 to 15 %. If 100 patients with dog bite wounds are given oral antibiotics, on average 84 patients would escape infection regardless of therapy, 9 will become infected despite medication, and 7 will avoid infection because of the medication.

Is it worth treating 100 patients with antibiotics to prevent infection in seven? I would say it is up to the individual to judge that. I didn't think that a 7 in 100 chance to contract an infection would justify for my body to get bombarded with a powerful drug as an antibiotic is. Weighing the risks and potential benefit I am more concerned about overprescription of antibiotics.

This is according to the CDCP:

"The widespread, often inappropriate, prescription of antibiotics has caused a worldwide health crisis. Drug-resistant strains of bacteria have emerged because antibiotics kill only some organisms leaving others to multiply and evolve into strains that are untreatable. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), Patients infected with drug-resistant organisms are more likely to require hospitalization, have a longer hospital stay, and die. The pharmaceutical industrys response has been to go back to the lab and produce a more powerful, broad-spectrum antibiotic which in turn becomes ineffective. The CDCP reports that the use of older antimicrobial drugs such as penicillin has decreased, while there has been a major increase in the prescription of the newer, more expensive drugs, such as amoxicillin and the more expensive and broader-spectrum drugs like cephalosporins. In the past decade there has been a concurrent dramatic rise in cases of ear infection (otitis media) in children and acute and chronic sinusitis in people over the age of 15 years. In short, the bugs are winning."

As I said before, there is no single right or wrong. Antibiotics and other drugs can be life savers, IF prescribed correctly.

I hope your thumb gets better!

She was on Foclain, that threw her into super drive, after a call to the doctor on Saturday night, which might I add, resulted in nothing, I callede my pharmaist. She told me to get her off of it ASAP. I went into the doctors office on Monday, and they perscribed Ritilin(sp), 2.5 mg 2X day. As this was happening... my sister in NJ was bowing my home phone and cell phone with messages about Singulair. So, to make a long story short, I took her off the Singulair and the Ritilin. She had a 24 hour dosage of the ADD drug. Her teacher noted that yesterday in school, she was extreamly quiet.

Your forum is wonderful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support, which I so dearly need :)

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