Newbie to Cathe


New Member
Hello Cathe & Everyone! I'm just starting out with Cathe's workouts, and am so excited. I was introduced to Cathe's ME video as a freebie in the hi-step I bought a couple of weeks ago. I actually bought the hi-step to use for some other exercise from a magazine, and had never heard of Cathe Friedrich before. Imagine that! I sat down & watched the video & thought WOW this is tough, but what a great challenge. I just had to go to the website to see what else was there.

I've been on a fitness quest for the past 14 months or so, starting first with a new eating plan & yoga, then added consistent weight resistance training last September. So far, I'm down about 55lbs with maybe 40 more to go. My real goal is to get <= 25% body fat, I don't care about a particular weight or size. I had a health assessment done a couple of months ago, and have above average strength, endurance, & flexibility, but poor cardio. I was also still at 37% BF, but I'm not giving up. I thought the weight resistance I was doing was a circuit format (Total Gym), but evidently not nearly enough for cardio fitness. I do have a treadclimber, but doing it is so boring, I just really resist getting on it to walk/climb for even 20-30 minutes as my cardio routine every single day. I have found that I really have to switch routines every 2-4 weeks to stay motivated. So, I started looking for video workouts that would combine the weights & cardo, that I could switch between whenever I wanted, and FINALLY found what I had been searching for when I visited After thoroughly reviewing all the videos & dvds, I started reading through the forum posts. Reading all the positive responses & help posted there really was a deciding factor in my ordering several DVDs & videos, besides the fact that I really like Cathe & her style, which is half the battle of finding a workout to stick with.

I do need a little help, though, to start out. Wednesday I did the All-Step video (another freebie I got when I bought "the step"), and pretty much just stumbled all over the step -- but I was moving! This morning I made it through 1/2 of BootCamp. So far I can manage the weight work, but I'm worried about my knees, with all the jumping & hi-impact. I'm 46, overweight, and my knees just aren't what they used to be. I also have stretched ligaments in one knee from an old track injury, so I really need to try to keep from stressing it. I have been doing some exercises to strengthen the muscles above the knee, but I'm really scared of injury & then not being able to do any workouts. I'm thinking I need to get some knee supports, and obviously will try to keep the movements in the workouts as low-impact as possible.

Has anyone else worked through this problem or perhaps offer some advice on getting the best workout I can without hurting myself?

P.S. I have the new Basic Step DVD on pre-sale order, and found a post that suggested the wedding video & cardio classics as more beginner step workouts, so I'm considering ordering those as well to help me with learning the basic moves.

Hi there!

First of all, congratulations on your fitness progress! I am 45 and overweight & I pre-ordered both of Cathe's beginner/intermediate DVD's. I would recommend that you pre-order DVD#2 for your high step :)

Since you enjoy strength training, perhaps MIS/Power Hour/ME DVD? You sound ready for Crosstrain Express, I can't wait to work my way up to all of Cathe's workouts, however I am old enough to know that the journey will be slow & steady :)

I'm sure others will have more informative responses for you, I just wanted to welcome you and suggest DVD#2 while you can still save a few dollars, take care & keep moving!


I just received the ME/BC DVD on Wed, and have Power Hr/MIS/Body Max DVD coming next week. In fact I really splurged & got something like 6 DVD's & 5 videos. It's like Christmas! Definitely created a library purchases.
Wow Debbie! What incredible progress you've made! I don't have joint/knee problems (yet, I'm 48 though, LOL) but I am a clutz and my feet just don't want to move correctly! I recently purchased and tried the Classics DVD, which has three step workouts on it...I found that Step Heat was easy for me to catch on to and was a lot of fun to do.

Bootcamp is TOUGH!!! WOW, I commend you for doing even half--I've only done it once and had to modify some of those moves! In the beginning I had to modify a lot of higher impact moves to a lower impact version. Once I lost enough weight, the higher impact was a little easier.

I've gone from a couch potato to avid exerciser in about a year and a half. I've lost 44 pounds (and about the same amount of inches) and went from 27% body fat to 24% body fat, so I (for one) believe your goal is realistic and achievable!

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