Newbie questions

1) Q: What are plyometrics?

A: Plyometrics are any exercise where the muscle is contracted eccentricly then immediately, concentricly. In plain English, the muscle is stretched (i.e. loaded) before it is contracted. A good example is push-ups with a clap in-between each push-up. Your muscle (pectorals in this case) is elongated and loaded by the downward force of your body, then immediately you must contract the muscle to push yourself back up.

Hi-Lo is where students are expected to mix high and low-impact aerobics, whenever the teacher commands. Remember, though, you can always stick with low impact.
Just to add on to Amy's definitions: low impact is considered to be moves where one foot is always in contact with the ground (not the same foot all the time!). Jumping jacks are high impact (and plyometric!) while doing a side tap with one foot while keeping the other foot grounded would be a low impact version of a jumping jack.

Plyometrics include jumping, leaping and hopping moves.

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