Newbie Needs Help


Active Member
Hello Everyone.

I was wondering if someone would be so kind as to post a list of what the initials mean for each of Cathe's workouts.

For example I know PP = Push Pull and S&H = Slow and Heavy but some of the other's I'm a little un-sure of. I like to read reviews and results and am sometimes confused on just what video/DVD the person is referring too. I just need like a cheat sheet I can print up and refer to until I've got them all down.

I know this sound like a monumental task so if there already is such a list, simply pointing me in the right direction will do just as well.

Some of them I have at my home and use them, so I know what’s being referred to. But some of the older ones and the new series that just came out I get confused about. I think this may help some of the other newer members in here as well since I can't be the only one who doesn’t have or use all of them. Although one day I will, a little at a time.

Thank You so Much,

Here ya go...I searched and found a thread so I copied the info for you...

SJP is step, jump and pump

PP/SS is push pull ansd supersets

KPC is kick, punch and crunch

SB is step blast

PUB is pyramid upper body

PLB is pyramid lower body

S & H is slow and heavy

PS series is pure strength series

BC is boot Camp

ME is muscle endurance

MIC is maximun intensity cardio

MIS is maximun intensity strength

RS is rhytmic step

PH is power hour

CTX series is the cross train xpress series

CM is circuit max

BM is body max

C & W is cardio and weights
CK is cardio kicks

IMAX is interval max . There is IMAX 1 and IMAX 2. You will find in the hardcore series IMAX 3.

(this doesn't include the hardcore series tho)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
Wow that was quick, Thanks Wendy. It will be easy enough for me to copy and past into a word document and add the new hardcore series form there.

I really appreciate it.

Thanks a bunch,


Edited to add - Thank you angie as well, I think we posted at virtually the same time. :9
HA HA Angie! I won! I beat you! What's my prize? :p



I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
No problem!:)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05

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