New Yorkers?

Hi Lizzy! I work downtown across the street from Ground Zero but I live out on Long Island (Oceanside). I don't think there are too many of us from NY though. Kathy:D
Hey Kathy! My DH used to live in Oceanside before I dragged him out here to Brooklyn Heights. :) He was born and raised in Great Neck.
Oh my gosh Heidi that is too funny! What street does your grandmother live on? Maybe she's very close to where I am. Where do you live? Kathy
Hi Nancy! This is truly a small world. Great Neck is an affluent town & parts of Brooklyn are too. The VP in our legal dept. also lives in Brooklyn. How's your cold? Are you feeling better? Did you ever do PS? Feel better. Best, Kathy:D
Hey Kathy,

She lives on Surrey Place, she's on the boarderline of O'side and Baldwin.

I lived on Royal Avenue, right near Lawson Blvd. Remember the Lawson Pub? lol
Hi Heidi! I live on Fortesque Avenue. I've only been living in Oceanside for 6 years so I don't know anything about the Lawson Pub. I'd have to look on the map to find out where Surrey Place is. Not familar w/that street. Take care, Kathy
I live in Riverdale, and I work in SOHO in a spa. I always hear about everyone living in so many areas but noone talks about Manhattan.
Kathy, how sweet of you to ask. I had one decent day where I got in Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, but I'm basically still a sicky with the longest cold? or whatever it is on record. No fever though, so I havent' missed any work, just stay up coughing most nights. :-(

I wonder why there are so few New Yorkers who are Catheites? Riverdale is lovely and the park is glorious!!
Hi Nancy! I'm sorry to hear your still under the weather.:-( Just rest up b/c before long we'll all be doing those BB's!!

Maybe there are so few of us b/c of all the great gyms that are in the city. You should check out a new gym called NY Sports Club/LA; its located uptown & the owners shelled out $60 million; its absolutely unbelieveable! I wish I could join.

Feel better, Kathy
Oh My ,I just had to add to this post. The -any New Yorkers out there caught my attention. i grew up in Brooklyn, lived in Bay Ridge and then moved to NJ in adulthood.I was most surprised by the reference to Overlook Hospital- Summit NJ!!! I lived in Chatham for 7 years before moving to Carlsbad California.Even though it's been 8 years, I can't tell you how much I still miss that whole Chatham, Summit area.I used to work at Murray Hill raquet and Fitness in Murray Hill. I get especially home sick during the fall. It must be beautiful there right now!!!
Hi Lizzy

I was born and raised in good Ole Brooklyn, NY. I've always worked in the City - right now I'm on 49th and 5th - right across the street from Saks - talk about temptations!!!

Nancy, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I'm recuperating from arthroscopic knee surgery. I tried to return to work this past Monday - was there for half a day - I've been in pain ever since. Have to endure 12 sessions of physical therapy for two hours. Seems my muscles in my right leg have become totally lazy and are not functioning well.

Sorry... as an avid New Yorker I say welcome to my fellow New Yorkers - Go Yankees!!!! Maybe we can plan on an outing to get to know each other and talk about Cathe and how much she's done for us... just a thought.

Take care all,


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