New Year's Resolutions


Has anyone guessed that i am in Holiday Mode? So far i have posted "who is decorating" and "fav. christmas cds", this. I can't help myself!:7

I am already thinking about my NYR and i have so much i want to committ to that it is a bit overwhelming. but i think to start i am going to resolve to do volunteer work next year. i have the time now and because thanksgiving is comming i have been focusing on all of my blessings. i have alot to be thankful for and i want to help those who do not. i really love animals so my first thought was to help out with that kind of stuff. Also i think i am going to volunteer at Buckner's (orphanage) with a mentor program or something...and retirement homes(visiting with seniors that have no family or friends)

Any of you who do volunteer work feel free to make suggestions as to what i could do.

So there's my NYR.. what are some of yours?

My NYR and I am going to have to get DH to go along with it, is to put a good dent into some of our bills.We have a couple of accounts with high interest rates,so I think we need to buckle down,stop wasting money,and get to work.I think in 1 year we could pay off a few things. I also would like to find another job.
1) To honor myself in all things because no one else will, if I don't do so first.

2) To keep learning all I can on my job because it truly is my "dream" job, and I want to keep doing it until I retire.

3) To spend as much time as possible with my family.

4) To keep working out and staying healthy ... so I can be around to do a job I love and spend time with my family!

Hi Jes,

I think you can start simple. There are a lot of charity walks you can donate money to, like american heart association, american cancer society, race for the cure, march of dimes etc. You can be charitable and exercise at the same time. These are so much fun.

Another thing my family does is go to Walmart, Kmart, etc. and pick 2 children off the charity Christmas tree. We always have so much fun buying stuff for other children. I love to buy for little girls because I have boys. Christmas really brings out the spirit of giving. A great charity for Christmastime is Operation Christmas Child Children all over the world get shoeboxes that you make up with toys, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, socks, underwear, etc. We take so much for granted, these shoeboxes make their whole year. It's too late to do it this year but people might want to keep it in mind for next year.

The list can go on and on. Like you said, you can volunteer at your local humane society, habitat for humanity, etc.

A new thing I am starting this year is a "charity jar". I will decorate a big coffee can with wrapping paper and stickers and cut a slit in the top. We will put all of our change in there for the whole year and around Christmas we can use the money for more charity work. We may have more than one jar (we have a lot of change!!) I think this will be more interactive for my boys and be very rewarding.

Sorry to go on and on,
Have a great holiday and New Year.
I haven't really thought of one for next year. But I'm very proud of myself for (so far) keeping this years. It was to not buy another diet book. Last year I bought Atkins diet, South Beach diet and the French diet books. Maybe next years will be no fitness magazines. I buy too many and they say the same things. I get more information off this forum.

Isn't that true? I am a magazine and book junkie. I also bought South Beach this year and a ton of magazines that I always buy. I love magazines (mostly fashion, fitness, and beauty.)

It is such a waste of money. We all "know" what to do. Eat right, exercise more. It seems like if I buy the book then I am gonna do it. :)

Jes I forgot to list my resolutions. Even though I have said in the past that I am not listing resolutions ever again! But here they go.

1. Run a 10k
2. Stick to my housecleaning routines
3. Stay on WW until I make lifetime
4. Be nicer
5. Go on more dates with my husband

I thought about it some more and decided my resolution will be to do every workout I own at least once during the year. I sold a box full at a garage sale but have accumulated more (more Cathes that is).

I will steal Carol's 4 resolutions for my own. LOL!! And add two--
1. Read more.
2. Find more time to become focused and efficient on things and people that matter in my life by eliminating the people and things that don't really matter in my life. In essence, try to make every second matter.

This is a good question. I'll have to think about it and get back. I've been reading and listening to Covey's Seven Habits. I want to be more efficient and effective in my life and my dealings with others so this will definitely be a part of my resolution. I'll ponder it and post my resolutions later. I've been an audio book junkie lately. I can't get enough information. Mostly business books and self improvement for managers. The most recent being:
Good To Great
First, Break all the Rules
Now, Discover your Strengths
and Soar with your Strengths.
Enjoyed them all...

I preordered Covey's 8th habit and Built to Last on audio. Self improvement is definitely high on my list of things to do. Can you tell????

Wow, this is good. I have been sitting here contemplating my new year. I have decided that I will clean everything up and get into the best health and healthy lifestyle ever.

I will clean up the sugar, salt and eliminate alcohol (no biggie, I don't like the taste of alcohol most of the time). I will eat cleaner and better.

I will lose 15 pounds that have been hanging around much too long.

I will keep up with my fitness schedule even if it's just walkjogging in my neighborhood.

I will have a complete physical from stem to stern even if it includes uncomfortable tests (yes, that onex( .

I can do this...I am determined to look AND feel great.

I will try to win the Powerball.

Failing that I will continue trying to be the best husband and father I can be.


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