New Workout Music & Menus


New Member
Hi Cathe-
Love your workouts! I have two "wishes" for the new DVDs, it it isn't too late!

I'm hoping you choose motivating music and clips for the intro as you did in the Bodyblast series - I have found that when I am feeling lazy and unmotivated, as soon as I pop the DVD in and hear the thumping soundtrack and the clips, it gives me the energy to change into my workout clothes and get going - really!! Sounds minor, but it really helps me.

Also, I'm hoping on these workouts you will post the minutes in the workout blender, mix & match and chapter screens. This would really help when I'm trying to decide what to do for the day (assuming I don't have time for the full workout or premix.) Thanks!
>I'm hoping you choose motivating music and clips for the intro
>as you did in the Bodyblast series - I have found that when I
>am feeling lazy and unmotivated, as soon as I pop the DVD in
>and hear the thumping soundtrack and the clips, it gives me
>the energy to change into my workout clothes and get going -
>really!! Sounds minor, but it really helps me.
>Also, I'm hoping on these workouts you will post the minutes
>in the workout blender, mix & match and chapter screens. This
>would really help when I'm trying to decide what to do for the
>day (assuming I don't have time for the full workout or
>premix.) Thanks!

I second that!

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