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Well I have been waiting for someone else to post this, but since no one has, I will. When is your next pre-sale? I am already waiting to buy myself a fitness New Years present and I would rather it be a new Cathe Pre-Sale. Maybe a LowMax 2, more Kick boxing with a bag this time! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
I'd love to hear some great news!! I have a $250 gift card that is just sitting around, ready to be used. (I have all her stuff so she'll need to make new workouts for me to spend it, lol) I'm really looking forward to the 4 day split and the new step workout she had mentioned.

I'm hoping that she'll announce that she'll be filming sometime in the first of the new year. (hey, a girl can dream can't she??!!)

I've been wondering also!! This next series is the one of the three I was really looking forward to.


"This is a Blast- act like you are having one!" Cathe Friedrich
>Well I have been waiting for someone else to post this, but
>since no one has, I will. When is your next pre-sale? I am
>already waiting to buy myself a fitness New Years present and
>I would rather it be a new Cathe Pre-Sale. Maybe a LowMax 2,
>more Kick boxing with a bag this time! Happy New

Excellent question. I've been wondering this myself. I can't wait to see what Cathe comes up with and WHEN!!!!
How strange,

I was going to ask Cathe the same thing ;) ;) I just received LIC nice workouts. Now I have them all :D And, the Calendar is AWESOME.

Here’s my wish list. I would loveeee to have a poster of you to hang in my workout area, when Cathe when x( :) :eek: :D

Denise writes:

"I'm hoping that she'll announce that she'll be filming sometime in the first of the new year".

Cathe writes:


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