New to Cathe


New Member
hi, i've been working out for about 16 months now, mostly with FIRMS. although i've developed muscle and firmed up a bit, i still have about 25 pounds to lose. so many at the firm forum rave about cathe i had to try her. my first cathe was cardio kicks and i couldn't believe the intensity! i've ordered a few more of her tapes, but it will be probably a month before i get a long step. should i just alternate cardio kicks and CTX kickbox with FIRMS until i get a long step? i've also preordered power hour and can't wait to get it! thanks for any advice.
Hi, I'm not a FIRM fan so I can't comment on rotating Cathe with the FIRM tapes, but I was just wondering which Cathe tapes you have ordered and what other equipment you have, ie dumbells, a barbell, ankle weights, a short step.... Congrats on working out!! I've been only working out at 25% of my usual frequency and duration because my life has been chaotic for the last few months, but that's going to change in about 2 weeks. I've got workout rotations planned and Cathe's new tapes on the way. I cant wait to get working again and to hopefully start shedding this extra 10-15 lbs once and for all!

:) Stacy
Hi Coco, welcome to Cathe's forum! Isn't Cardio Kicks great? I almost fainted the first time I checked it out - I was afraid of it for awhile, but finally tried it & loved it.

The workout Maximum Intensity Cardio has a hi-lo routine which doesn't use the step & BOY is it a killer! :-tired

Also you can do any step video without the step, it takes some getting used to though.

If you want to lose weight keep doing the strength training - try any of Cathe's strength workouts, you won't believe the results you get.

Take care,
Hi Coco,
I am also new to Cathe as of about one month ago. This may be bad advice, but I was doing all of the tapes I had with a short step (27 inches) and just modifying when it became hazardous by using common sense. I have since purchased a long step and find it much more fun because I don't have to worry about falling off anymore! However, I realize they are expensive. I don't know what your plans are, but I got mine through Yahoo! Shopping-Bodypump for $79 (that includes shipping) and it also came with a step video produced by the STEP Company. That was about the best price I could find on the internet, without buying in bulk. Good luck with losing that stubborn weight--I know how you feel!

Hi! Good to have you here :)
I LOVE Cardio Kicks--it is a blast, isn't it??
I do all of my step workouts without a step because of a bad knee, and as long as you are being careful if you are on carpet, I think that is a great option. I've never used a short step for Cathe's workouts, so I don't really know whether it is unsafe or not. If you do have some of her step tapes, give it a try without the step--its a good way to ease into Cathe's stuff, anyway, and in a month you'll have your new step and will already know the choreography, making it that much easier to have a great workout ON the step!
Good luck, and have fun!
RE: Welcome!

I, too, use the Firm workouts. That is where I heard about Cathe. I like using her workouts with the Firm. I used Cardio Kicks one day and Bust and Butt the next day. I was pleasantly sore. You could use Cardio Kicks in a rotation with lots of Firm weight tapes until you get your step. Cardio Kicks is a fun workout.
Cathe's step workouts are really fun. I started out with the Wedding Tape, which is actually kind of fun for someone married over 20 years. The workout is a good introduction to her step style. I had initially purchased Interval Max, which is a great workout, but it had too many "unknown" combinations for me. So, I took the advice of someone on the forum and bought the Wedding Tape and Mega Step Blast to get an introduction to Cathe. I have since ordered many other videos from Cathe.
I hope you have continued success with your Cathe and Firm workouts!
RE: Welcome!

thanks to all of you for the welcome to the cathe forum! i have read a lot of good stuff here.
i think i've decided not to get the long step, but just use cardio kicks, CTX kickbox, and now i want to get MIC for the floor aerobics. my husband and i already have a room full of workout equipment! LOL but just using a few cathe tapes along with FIRMS should give great results. i swear after ONE time doing cardio kicks, the next FIRM i did was a little easier!!

do any of you have 10-10-10? is it worth getting for the hi/lo and kickboxing only?

cinlou- your name seems familar from firm forum...i am momtoandre over there!!!
Welcome and good luck! For many years the only tapes I ever sis was The Firm tapes, until I tried a Cathe. I still do The Firm "Tough Cardio" and the "Hare" workout, but even though they are all good tapes, they tend to add bits and pieces of old tapes in new ones and if you get bored doing the same routines and seeing the same instructors - that isn't good! I love the Cathe tapes most, but unfortunately haven't been able to try very many. I suggest checking out your local libraries for video tapes to rent. I started doing this a few years ago to try out different tapes and intensities. It is free and if you find a tape that bores you or is too hard for you, you can simply take it back to the library. If you like it, go buy it!! Other than The Firm and Cathe, I also love the Tae-Bo tapes. As for what you will like, it all depends on how "hard" you like to work and the only way you will find that out is if you test them all out! Good luck!

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