New to Cathe videos

I have been using the firm for about a year now and I want to try one of cathe's videos any suggestion on witch one I should start with:)
First Hi and welcome Julycrochet. If you want a fun cardio you can try SB/SJP dvd . SB is step cardio with three combos and a blast in the end. Great music. SJP has hi/low, 16 minutes of easy step and weight exercises. If you want lower body sculping try the KPC/ L& G dvd. The kickbox is great to sculpt the lower body and girl you are going to feel your legs after the explosive plie squats or the explosive lungesin L & G. Another great lower body workout is PLB.There are another lower body workouts (Learner legs, leg of PS or S & H) but these are my favorites. Welcome.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
You may want to try the Muscle Endurance/Boot Camp DVD. That is still my favorite and the first I used (still use every week) when converting from Firm to Cathe.

Muscle Endurance is comparable to Jen's Body Sculpt in BSSI, only more challenging and Cathe does leg presses 3x as many as joke!

Bootcamp includes cardio and weights. It includes 8 cycles, each cycle does a minute of cardio, a minute of upper body, a minute of lower body and a minute of abs. Then it's on to the second cycle, repeating the sequence but working different body parts with different exercises. A huge heart pumper!

If you want a series, I highly recommend the Intensity Series (both workouts above belong to the Intensity Series). I have had it for almost a year and a half and not one of those dvds have collected any dust! I love it. I suspect that you are a dedicted exerciser if you have been doing the Firm for over a year. The dvds are pricey but worth every single penny if you do them, I think you would!

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