New to Cathe - tried Step Blast & loved it!


I'm new to Cathe but not step but I was still intimidated by the thought of her choreography. Plus I have two left Well, I caught on to 85% the first time and found it sooo effective! She's hardcore for sure, as you all said. It's awesome! I can't wait to try more. I'm going to tape some from FitTV first and see what I think of them before ordering.

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
Welcome to the wild and crazy world of Cathe.

StepBlast is one of my favorites...lots of fun! Enjoy your stay will be long!

I love Step Blast too. It took me several times before I got the choreography down (and I still struggle somewhat). Oh well, Cathe is so much fun and worth the learning curve.
I love step blast! It was the first full step workout of Cathe's that I tried. Took a few times and some rewinding to get it, but now I love it!! Once you learn this, then 95% of the rest of her step stuff is easy to learn!

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