New to Cathe - suggestions please!


Hello! I'm an advanced exerciser, and I'm looking to start using Cathe's workouts. I don't like complex choreography and heavy weights (I bulk up very easily). I tried Low Max and got frustrated with the choreography. Any suggestions for workouts with easy choreography and light weights would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!
I would try Rhythmic Step+ DVD. Not for the Rhythmic Step (too complex) but for IMAX 1 and Maximum Intensity Cardio. Both of these have more athletic type choreography but are still very intense. Then maybe you could try doing Rhythmic Step working on each of the combos separately until you master them. You could also try the Kick, Punch & Crunch/Legs & Glutes DVD and/or Kick Max. You could use weighted gloves with that if you like. I would also suggest Power Hour+. This has Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength & Body Max. Power Hour is an full body endurance workout (high reps, light weights.) Cathe gives form pointers throughout the workout. Maximum Intensity Strength is also a full body workout with a 6 minute warmup step routine (not complex). Body Max has a step routine (again, not complex), power circuits and upper body conditioning. You might also try the Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance DVD. Boot Camp is a circuit workout, has very basic choreography and is very intense. Muscle Endurance is an endurance workout like Power Hour.

I am new to Cathe as well. I just tried KPC this weekend and I had the best time! It's floor aerobics so that's great, for not worrying about moving around the step. I love the music - techno - and if a good song's playing then I'll work through an unpleasant workout just to hear the music...though that wasn't a problem with KPC.

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