New to Cathe--seeking advice



I am interested in trying some of Cathe's videos and I am having a difficult time deciding which to try first. I am currently doing Reebok Intensive Moves, and many of Karen Voigt's videos. I really enjoy how great I feel after a really tough workout and now I want more. By reading other suggestions and reviews, I am looking at Power Max, Step Works, or Rhythmic Step. If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. This site can be quite overwhelming, because of it's size and number of videos available. I consider myself to be on more of a high/intermediate to advanced level, and am so excited about this exciting new avenue of working out. Thanks for your help, Deana
If you already are doing Intense Moves, I'd jump in feet first and get Interval Max! It will introduce you to a lot of the moves that are in Cathe's tapes.

We all have our favorites for different reasons. Of the 3 you mentioned, I've only done Power Max. It's not too hard to learn.
These are all great videos, but are you an advanced--in terms of choreography--stepper? If you look at some of the recent threads on Rhythmic Step, you'll see several people talking about the difficulty of this new video (even though everyone also wants the challenge!), and some people inquiring because they are worried about the bpm and if it goes as fast as StepWorks. I would start with PowerMax or even Step Heat or StepFit and see how long it takes you to master the choreography. I love them all, but I had trouble with the 360 degree turn on PowerMax and it took awhile on StepWorks, and I have just barely managed to get a foot on some of the steps in Rhythmic Step.
Ive done all of Cathe's step tapes and of the three you mentioned I found PowerMax the easiest to learn, and the intensity is not lacking! Step Heat, Step Max, and Step Fit are a bit less intense but alot easier to learn in my opinion. Are you interested in strength training??

:) Stacy
Yes, I am also interested in strength training. I have a few cardio/strength tapes of Karen Voigt's. What are your favorite Cathe strength tapes with or without cardio? Also, I have read many entries talking about scheduling these different type tapes, how do you find best? Thanks again! Deana
Hi Deana,
You're going to love Cathe! I just have to recommed Rhythmic Step. I have as much trouble as anyone learning some of Cathe's choreography, but I just don't care! It's almost as much fun to learn the moves as it is to perform them with finesse! (Yeah right. ;-))
I love the new strength tapes as well. Some of us are following Aimee's recommendation & doing each Slow & Heavy workout once a week & one day of Power Hour as a total body workout. That's in addition to cardio, of course.
I also love Maximum Intensity Strength. It's still my all-time favourite for weight training! The PS series is also excellent.
You're probably more confused than ever, yes?
Ruth :)
Also, I don't have the CTX series yet, but a lot of people love it.
Hi...all these suggestions may make you even more confused! Bottom line, you cant go wrong with ANY of Cathe's tapes. I'd suggest first decide how much workout time you have then decide what time of workout you're looking for such as do you want to start working on strength as more of a total body workout like MIS offers or do you like work on a few body parts at a time as in the PS series. Or, doing cardio and one body part a day such as offered in the CTX series. Any decision is great, whatever works best for you. The intensity, quality and fun factor are not lacking in any of Cathe's tapes. And besides, I'm sure you'll end up like most of us and end up purchasing them all in the long run :)

Good Luck,


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