New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To "Get Her Coreography"?


I'm new to Cathe (but not to working out). I used to do a wide variety of workouts so I never really liked the real complex footwork with step and floor aerobics, as I never did them enough to get the footwork down. I love Cathe but her footwork can be tricky for people like me. I do alot of the moves and try to keep my heartrate up by modifying (doing moves without the turns while I'm learning, etc). I just wanted someone to comfort this newbie and tell me I'll get used to her style and start picking up a bit quicker. I just did KickMax this morning and didn't have that much trouble with it ....not as much as I've had with some of the step coreography. I'm not used to instructors not previewing the moves. Will I be okay?
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

Every time you do a step workout you will be reinforcing some memory of combinations. If were easy at first where would the challenge be? Just be patient with yourself and you will improve with time. You may find it helpful to repeat a combination that gives you trouble.

I found Rhythmic Step to be a little tricky at first and a few moves took me more than a few attempts to master.
AKA "Likes2bfit"
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

As I just stated in another post, it always takes me at least 3x through a step video before I get it. And you definitely will get used to Cathe's style. You didn't mention what step videos you have - I have found that for me, going back to some of her older work is helpful in learning many of her moves and then building upon that base.

And yes, you will be okay!
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

I agree -- the footwork can be tricky and hard to get used to. Also, when I'm doing a step tape, I like to keep stepping on my bench, not do steps on the floor. I found that some of Cathe's old tapes are perfect for me -- try Mega Step Blast -- an exhausting workout and no complicated steps.
San Diego Cheryl
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To


I think part of my problem (I'm realizing) is that I'm always doing the Premix versions of the new Hardcore and on top of being new to Cathe, she doesn't break the steps down at all on the premixed versions. Maybe I need to do a couple cycles of each work out at a time until I get more familiar with her moves.
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

Try to do Cathe's routines one segment at a time or one combo at a time. Right now I'm learning IMAX3 by doing intervals 1-5 one day and intervals 6-10 on another day. I'll probably be doing this until I'm comfortable enough to do the entire workout -- that is, when I don't have to do any rewinding to see how certain moves are done. You WILL get it eventually. Just give yourself some time.

RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

Firstly, let me welcome you! Welcome! Let me tell you...I found her footwork in all of her step to be overwhelmingly difficult. I put my mind to it. I set forth to attempt a combo--stumbling like a crazy woman! I set a goal. I played the same workout over and over each day adding 5 minutes to the workout. And one was funny. It all just clicked. I rarely even have to watch the tv..I just listen to her queing and go. One you know the term of each move...I promise you it gets better. Take mental notes. Don't get me wrong...some of her Body blast series...I just stumble over. I tend to find my favs and stick with them and don't want to try to learn others. But, that puts you in a rut. So, give it time. Really. I set my resolution last year as learning Step. Mission accomplished! You can do it! Set a goal and stick to it! YOU are worth it!
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

hello everyone. this is my first message on this board. I have never heard of Cathe until today. I am a member on another board and someone mentioned the cathe video to step up their rut. Since I'm new I'm afradi this women is a killer. I don't want that. I don't want to throw away good money and find out, I don't like it or can't do it. where do I start since this lady is hard core. I'm not hard core I'm 50 and don't need to be doing xovers all over the place. What do you think about this lady and me? :)
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

I have only been with Cathe about 6 months. The first DVD of hers I tried was Step Blast. I am almost embarrassed to admit that it took me a MONTH to learn this routine. I just stopped, rewound, and repeated until I finally got through the whole thing. It wasn't until later that I realized that this was one of her more difficult routines (as far as choreagraphy is concerned).

Now, Step Blast is one of my favorite routines. My only advice is to be patient and you will reap great rewards.:)
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To


You are not alone. I have been an avid exerciser for almost 3 years now but new to intricate choreography as well. With patience and time, it WILL get easier! I started with Cathe's Basic Step and Body Fusion and worked my way up from there. I'm certainly not perfect yet (only been doin' Cathe for about 2 months now) but I am much better than I was!:) Keep at it and you will improve too!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

The first Cathe workout I did with the step was Circuit Max, which has only 2 short step segments in it. It was after I learned those 2 segments that I realized I LOVE STEPPING!!!!! Then I went on an ordering rampage and now have almost all of the relatively newer workouts. Now, when I do a new step segment, I might not get it completely the first time, but it doesn't take long. Her routines really do build on past workouts, so once you learn the "basics", the rest is easy!!!!:)
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

Don't give up! Keep going. Cathe is the absolute best at cueing. You will get it. Just keep going. Before you know it you will fall in love with her choreography and know it all by heart!
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

Hi, Had to add my two cents here :>)
I am 56 and new to Cathe and cannot follow challenging and complicating footwork. I started with the Basic Step & Body Fusion and love it, I know you will be able to follow this one. Good Luck.
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

Thanks everyone. Yes, I have the BAsic step one and can follow that one okay. The other day, I put in Lo-Max and did one section only and it was the section with the reverse mambo off the step. I started to actually get it down!! I guess I'll have to learn slowly. It is really helpful to do it that way though.
RE: New to Cathe - How Long Did It Take You To

It took me a whole month to learn IMAX2; I alternated IMAX2 and C&W every other day. I started out doing intervals 1-3, then 1-4, then 1-5, etc. I had trouble with some step combinations more than others. I finally did the entire workout one month afer I started.

Let me tell ya, it was totally worth the effort. It's soooo much fun to be able to do Cathe's step workouts. Now I do IMAX2 every Friday -- I really look forward to it. :D

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