New to Cathe DVDs


Hello. I am new to Cathe workouts. I currently do The Firm and Karen Voight DVDs, however, I need to kick it up a notch. I'm interested in a total body routine. What do you suggest? Also, where can I purchase a barbell set? I'm sure I'll be using a body bar in the beginning until I build up strength. What size stability ball does Cathe use (55 or 65)? Any other information/advice you could provide me with would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Welcome to the happy & addictive world of Cathe! I'm assuming by your post you are least a moderate exerciser. Do you like step? Also, it would be good to know how you are with choreography. Lastly, it is helpful to know if you do any weight training and what your basic workout schedule includes.

Aside from those questions, Step Blast is an absolute favorite here on the boards that people like the premix of as well with Step, Jump, & Pump. Some other tried and true great ones include Kick, Punch, & Crunch, and Imax 2 (kick butt interval work). For weight work, it depends on if you want endurance, muscle gain, or a bit of both. For endurance, Power Hour, Muscle Endurance, and Musclemax are the ones to go for. For gains, I've heard a lot of great votes for slow & heavy series.

Barbells, steps, etc can generally be purchased from stores like Walmart for fairly decent prices. Those are some initial recommendations that I can think of off the top of my head. Good luck getting started!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

"Total Body Routine" - do you mean total body weight work, or weight work combined with cardio (circuit)? And do you own a club-sized step for step choreography? Cardio and Weights of the Intensity Series hits it all in a circuit-style workout, but it does require a club-sized step. High Step Challenge is a complete workout - cardio and weights - but requires a High Step (Fanny Lifter might substitute). All weights - I'd start out with Muscle Endurance. The Pyramid DVD is a good option also - very versatile. Please read the descriptions and check out the previews!

You can get by without a barbell, but I got mine cheap on Amazon:
They charged less than $5 shipping! But I did have to go to Play It Again Sports and get additional 2.5# and 5# plates (not expensive at all).

Cathe is petite (5'2", I think) and uses a 55cm ball. I think that size is good up to 5'6". The key is to have your legs parallel to the floor when you sit on your ball.

Welcome to the forum!

I would get Muscle Max or Pyramid Upper and Lower Body. Both are fantastic!

I am 5'10" and my stability ball is 65 cm I think.

I purchased a 100lb. barbell set from Dick's Sporting Goods for $25. It came with two 20 lb weights, four 10 lb weights, and two 8 lb weights. I wound up buying some 2.5 and 5 lb weights to give it some more variety, and for those I paid .49 per pound.

Hope this helps!
My most favorite total body routine is Power Hour. Maximum Intensity Strength, Muscle Endurance, and Muscle Max are also great workouts.

There are also circuit-type workouts that work your entire body and give you a cardio benefit as well: Bootcamp, the high step workouts, Circuit Max, Step,Jump&Pump, and Cardio and Weights.

Dear Debbie, Diane, Lori and Pinky,

Thank you so much for all of your input. I truly appreciate it.

I have been working out using The Firm incline step (also turns into a 14 inch step) and the DVDs that came with it -- but I need to challenge myself more. Apparently Cathe's workouts fits the bill.

I've been watching Cathe on Fit TV and find some of the choreography tricky. I'm thinking about getting the Low Max DVD to start with. Then later on I'll get another that gets you jumping and hopping all over the place.

Regarding the step -- can I use my Firm step (it's a full size step with incline) or should I invest in one used in Cathe's workouts for the regular step routines? I still have a "Buns of Steel" step that I should probably sell at a yard sale.

Does anyone know when Target will have Cathe's step and DVD combo available?


Mama (that's what my kids call me):)
Mama, Cathe just announced the new workouts yesterday, so it will probably be a couple of months before they are released.

Is is the Transfirmer you have? Even if it's the box that came with BSS3, it will probably be too short. My club step is 40-42" long - that's what Cathe uses. I first tried her step routines with a home step that was only 28" long and I was tripping over my own feet even when I had the choreography down pat. So I think the Firm box might give you the same problems, but you could use it while you find a deal on a step. I got mine on Ebay after weeks of watching the auctions there. Many have found fabulous deals at garage sales (Gosh, I'm so jealous!).

Low Max might be good as far as intensity goes. Cathe assumes you know her choreography from other workouts and doesn't break down some of the moves as thoroughly. But it's nicely chaptered and has good premixes. Try an interval at a time, repeating as needed, to work your way through it. I used to be such a clutz on the step, but Cathe's cueing just clicked with me and I can face each new step workout of her's without fear.

Have fun and keep us informed!


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