New to Barre - Odd questions inside


Odd questions, but please don't yell at if even if I deserve it. Ha!

Can the Push/Pull Tower be used as a cardio barre? I'm asking because I just read the the fluidity barre is heavy, adjustable and you can do pull ups on them so that got me thinking about the p/p tower.

Also, I read that the portable bars don't adjust and I am tall (5'10), is it too short for me?

I also read that the Push/Pull tower isn't really steady and that it shakes a little from side to side? Reason I ask because if I attempted to do barre work on it I could break the thing.

Lastly, I read that you can do cardio barre or barre workouts from the back of a chair (thus is why I'm asking if the p/p tower can be used too), is that effective enough to use with those types of workouts?

I am really interested in getting into barre work so I'm looking for something multifunctional to buy. I was looking at the one Costco sells, but I'm not sure if it's any good.

Thanks in advance!
i don't have a barre, i use a dining room chair. which is way lighter then a barre or tower and i have no problems. even if the push/pull tower is slightly wobbling it still holds a certain amount of weights for bench presses. you should be fine b/c really you are not suppose to put your weight on the barre just a gentle amount for balance and posture not leaning on it or holding on for dear life. it should hold enough of the weight you put on it(b/c i think it holds 200lbs or something and highly doubt you are even close).

i am rather short and rather broke(thank you AEP and estimated electric bills :mad: ) so dh was thinking of building me one using heavy PVC piping(like the white water pipes you would have in your newer modeled homes). if you have a handy man maybe they can build you a custom one. we priced mine at about $50 with the connectors and sized/length pipe. i don't think i could do pull ups on it and it won't be adjustable but its just another option for barre work on the cheap.

but for now i use my chair.

I use push/pull tower for barre work. When you lean on it, it is very steady. It is easy to put together and take apart and adjust. I am 172lbs (was 178lbs) and bar didn't even bend:) let alone break.
Hope this helps.
Try this bar:

I'm 5'11'' and it is fine for me. Barre workouts are excellent! My posture has improved so much using these type of workouts (Bar Method and Physique 57)! I stopped lifting heavy (think 4DS) and really lightened my weights, focused on my body alignment and after 4 1/2 months, my hip bones stick out my neck has tightened up, my chest wrinkles have disappeared, and most importantly I really have leaned out. It is amazing! I must have been really hunched over because lifting those heavy weights with poor posture gave me a not so great looking body.

I will go back to my Cathe's, but right now I am loving these workouts! I even did the CLX program for 4 months and I loved the W/Os but nothing significant changed. I would have never in a million years guessed that I would be hooked on barre W/Os.
I forgot to tell you that I got mine used through craigslist for $100.00. It was one of my best fitness purchases ever. Also, I got the old Bar Method and Lotte Berk DVDs through the library. I initially used a chair (3 weeks) but once I was hooked, I purchased the Fluidity Bar.
I got the Fluidity w/os with the Barre but, I don't do them. For some reason I like Bar Method best. Burr gives excellent pointers and I just seem to enjoy her DVDs. There is a flat back ab exercise in the Fluidity intermediate and advanced tapes that are very difficult for me. I guess I am waiting to get the Bar Methods down first before I include the Fluidity w/os. I hope some day I'll get those flat back abs down.

I think a regular ballet barre is fine. I like the ability of folding up my Fluidity barre when I am not using it. I am so surprised how much I enjoy this method of exercising. It has been 18 years since I started with the Firm Classics and I remember telling everyone about those tapes. Now, I love to tell people about my new passion, the Bar Method (Physique 57 too).

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