New tapes look too hard!!


I have preordered the new tapes, but I'm getting a bit scared!!!

From what I'm seeing by the picture update a lot of these moves look waaaaay too advanced and perhaps not doable? At least for me!

I have been workout for many years with Cathe, so I'm not a beginner, but "taking it up a notch" with these new video's looks pretty much impossible!!

Sorry for being such a "scardy cat" ;(
I'm a scardy cat too! I'm not a beginner either. I think they are doable with lots of practice. The pics do look just incredible. Wow!
Look forward to the Challenge and take it at your own pace-you'll know when to kick it up or not! You'll do Great, have no fears!

Fitness is a journey not a race
I agree that they look really tough, but let's look at it positively. I'm hoping that these workouts take my fitness level up a couple notches and from what I'm seeing in these pics, I don't think I'm going to be disappointed! I have to admit though, after seeing those "levitating" Core Max pics...I'm scared too! We can do it though!

One of the beauties of having an exercise DVD producer like Cathe, who values intensity, is that you can grow into these workouts. Often you're not expected to nail them move for move and rep for rep on the first bounce; if you did you'd get bored within a month with them.

Just do what you can with each of them, ask for input on transitional intensity modifications here on this forum, and KEEP TRYING!

Me, I'm in Pre-Drool Mode for them . . .

NOTHING is "not doable" (OK - maybe it's not doable to fly without mechanical help). It just may take a little time. Think of how proud of yourself you'll be when you master them!

I haven't ordered them myself, though. Only because I don't want to hear it from the old "ball and chain". "What do you need more exercise videos for?" "Don't you want to get new windows?" Ummmm...yeah...I guess new windows would be good...Darn it! I hate when he's right. :D
I agree with A-Jock. If every move were completely doable, the workouts would get boring pretty quickly! I love trying to master moves and when I do...what a sense of accomplishment!
A few years ago I remember thinking I will never be able to finish the front lunges in the 8th interval of IMax. I really could never fatham finishing those last 16. When Hope modified, I did too. I took this one out a few month ago after a hiatus and I completed them, not with ease, but I actually did it. Sometimes we don't realize our strength gains until really put to the test. I now know I can (we can) accomplish these feats if we work towards the goal and be patient with ourselves. Yes, you will be able to do it, maybe not right away, but you will get there! :)
Fab40's Interval Max is a good example. I remember having to modify all of the mean floor intervals for about 3 consecutive weeks after getting it and putting it into my weekly routine, and I remember early on thinking I would NEVER be able to get through all of them. However, I remembered what Cathe said in her intro:

"As you keep doing this workout you'll get stronger and stronger, and you'll be able to go longer and longer not only through this workout but all of your other workouts." Truer words were never spoken (or paraphrased)

I also remember thinking, "If THEY can do it, I can do it." And eventually I did, and now am able to extend out ALL of the intervals by 8-16 reps each, and omit the recovery interstices. Not bad for an old broad.

I say again: FOLKS - YOU CAN DO THIS. A workout that doesn't push you a little (or a lot) beyond your current capacities at the outset is a workout with fairly limited utility.

I. Just. Can't. Wait.

It's nice to have something to aspire to. I also like seeing new exercises for the abs. I think it keeps the abs challenged which equals better results. I can't wait to see these workouts!!


edited for spelling
Hi Olivia! You can just lower the weights to suit you & your workout. You can modify wherever you have to. Please keep at it Olivia & you too can join in w/the rest of us advanced exercisers. All of us that are advanced weren't always this way. It takes time. I feel I'm a little to blame for this new series. I've been working out w/P90X (an advanced series) & had said it would be a dream come true if I could work out w/Tony Horton & Cathe. Looks like dreams come true after all! Kathy:D
Olivia, I agree with AJ and Susan. If you never push yourself just a little bit harder, you will stay in a rut; or worse yet, go backwards in all that you gained. Maybe you can't do chin-ups, pull-ups or do high-intensity floor work; barring injuries or some other disability, you don't know you can't unless you push yourself and try one. There is also a word called "modification". Cathe always has someone in the workouts that will show a less intense version of the workout.

Granted, following Cathe is not for the faint-of-heart, but the workouts can be doable.
Now I'd better go order that blue top before they are all gone.
RE: Partly to blame for this new series

Kathy, I also lobbied hard and heavy for this new series. So I'll share part of the blame with you.}( ;-)
RE: Partly to blame for this new series

So far all the pics are amazing. However, I am not afraid b/c I love a challenge and if I fail the 1st, 2nd, 3rd even 4th time I try again, again and again. Just as someone mentioned, if these women can do it, so can I(we). I believe some of these women were once in our shoes, but continued and "WOW" look at them now. So I am truly looking forward to these workouts. Not only that, I also want to shut my dh up, he doesn't really care for these workouts, don't think I can achieve good results....but I know better.


You have to have something to grow into or it wouldn't be worth buying!!! Modify, modify, modify! Strive to do your best and you'll keep improving! Don't be a scardy cat! :) :)

I love the picture. I thought cathe was going to use the resistance band in this workout.I want to see more pictures to see that the band is used or not .

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
Well said everyone! My 2 cents:

1) I've noticed after ordering and doing intensity series, which kicked up my fitness level a notch, other Cathe videos that were tough before are more doable. What great reinforcement! When you can TELL that you are more fit! I think these might make the Intensity Series vids feel like that!

2) Just imagine your husbands or children seeing you do the levitating move once you've finally mastered it! They'll be blown away! Sometimes imagining someone watching me (sometimes I pretend I'm teaching a class) makes me perform better and go a little longer in Cathe's workouts (called social facilitation -in this case, purely mental). But seeing these difficult moves gets my blood pumping. It is going to be SO AWESOME to someday do what they are doing!

And A-Jock, are you sure you weren't a psychologist in your former life?
PLEASE don't misunderstand this post - I am not trying to preach or be nasty or anything here, but telling yourself a workout looks "impossible" is probably the surest way I can think of to receive it in the mail, put it on a shelf, and never even open it.

The new workouts are not "impossible" or Cathe and her crew could not do them. They are most definitely challening, and she certainly has delivered what she promised us - a HARDCORE workout series!!! That's why we're all here, waiting for pictures and drooling over them, and it's why we keep coming back for more!!

Bring 'em on, Cathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Remember many of us (me included) complaining that the Body Blasts were "too easy"? Well, these workouts are part of the Universal Law of Conservation of Evil.

I, for one, asked for these, and I will never view them as impossible. I sometimes can't do them right away, but eventually, I always can do them. Intensities, Imax, those shoulder-stand things in PushPull, V-pikes. It took a good long while to get the V-pikes. But I got 'em.

I am looking forward to these a lot. And if you think they are too hard, do some of the easier stuff (PushPull, Cardio and Weights) until you get stronger, which you will. And modify the tougher workouts until you get stronger, which you will.

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