New Step...Wow!

RE: maybe...

Thanks, Wendy, I'm sure you're right. I'm just going to bite the bullet and go ahead and buy a brand new step.:)
I see them on eBay all the time, but shipping drives the price up a bit. Still, that might be the way to go if you can't find a full sized one locally. People are selling Reeboks and The Steps.
RE: Hi there !

That is an amazing find!!!! Wow!!

Of course.... Santa Claus brought me mine and that was the best deal. (My mother is still santa)

One of the best investments ever made on my behalf! It also doubles as a place where my kids eat cereal while watching TV.

Until I kick them off and put in my own tape and take over the TV... then they come and take over the computer. Guess we are "screen addicted."

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