New step user, knee pain?


Hi Cathe! Love your videos! I am new to step aerobics, having used firm videos heretofore, which are not all step.
I am using an 8" step and my knees are killing me, they did this when i first started using firms too. At that time my therapist said to stretch my quadriceps longer, which took care of the pain.
Is this something I just need to get used to or should I lower the step height? I am 41 years old and 5'3" if height matters according to step height.
I am started with the Wedding video as that was reccomended to me to learn your moves. Thanks, Kitty
Hi Kitty! If your knees are "killing" you then that suggests a strong possibility of doing too much too soon. I think you should rest your knees for a day or two and then come back to the workout on a six inch step height. This lower height will allow your body/knees to get acclimated to the workout. You may even find over a period of time that 6 inches is actually all you need to keep yourself in your aerobic training zone. I would also like to suggest that you continue to stretch your quadriceps longer since this has helped you in the past. As a side note, if your knees still bother you on six inches, then take another day off and come back at 4 inches and/or modify the propulsion (jumping) movements in the workout. Take Care!

Just to let you know~I used to think that in order to get a great workout, I HAD to use an 8" step. (I am 5'4" and a couple of years older~ALRIGHT, I'm almost 8 years OLDER!!) One week when I was just feeling a little tired, I lowered my step to 6" and found that I could work just as hard, if not harder, because I wasn't worried about tripping on the step. Since then, I almost always use 6" and find my workouts are even more intense because I give it my all. Does that make sense?:-hmmm In other words, we don't HAVE to use 8" steps to be AMAZON'S!!! Good Luck Kitty and take care of those knees. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

Thank you both dear ladies. I will lower my step! i guess i didnt want to be a wimp or anything, you know the strong woman syndrome, "if i can't do it like the instructor, i am a wimp"!
To be honest, Debbie H, The Wedding Tape had me fairly gasping, when told to measure my heart rate it was 190, my max is supposed to be 180, although I like this, i like to feel i am really working!Looks like the tougher tapes will have to be worked up to slowly. Kitty

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