Well, I spent Saturday night at work putting together a rotation of sorts. I have been doing upper/lower body splits with HIIT in between, but I think that I am going to split up the upper body weight work a bit. I sat and listed all the upper body weight exercises that I like (and dislike) and decided to split into back/shoulder/biceps and chest/tris. Well, in trying to keep my workouts within the 1 hr time-frame, it ended up that I had 2 days of b/s/b and 2 of c/t. So, then I sat and listed all the lower body stuff and came up with 2 splits (with abdominals tossed in as well). So, I ended up with a rotation that looks like this, please tell me what you all think---
Week 1
Day 1- B/S/B-A (with abs)
Day 2- leg-A
Day 3- HIIT #1 (30 second speed/90 sec recover)
Day 4- C/T-A (with abs)
Day 5- legs B
Day 6- HIIT #2 (60 sec hi resistance, 60 sec low)
Day 7- rest
Week 2
Day 1- B/S/B-B (with abs)
Day 2- Legs A
Day 3- Hiit #1
Day 4- C/T-B (with abs)
Day 5- legs B
Day 6- HIIT #2
Day 7- rest
Week 1
Day 1- B/S/B-A (with abs)
Day 2- leg-A
Day 3- HIIT #1 (30 second speed/90 sec recover)
Day 4- C/T-A (with abs)
Day 5- legs B
Day 6- HIIT #2 (60 sec hi resistance, 60 sec low)
Day 7- rest
Week 2
Day 1- B/S/B-B (with abs)
Day 2- Legs A
Day 3- Hiit #1
Day 4- C/T-B (with abs)
Day 5- legs B
Day 6- HIIT #2
Day 7- rest