New Rhythmic Step Video; Push-Ups


Good morning, Miss Cathe!

(Don't you sleep? Your 3/18 post was after 10:00 p.m.!)

Will your new Rhythmic Step video include any of my beloved plyo/killer intervals a la "Interval Max"? (I'm addicted to intervals #2, #4, #5, #6, #8 and #10 - vertical jumps, plyo jacks, box jumps + side to side floor jumps, plyo lunges, and airborne jacks + high tuck jumps)? Hint, hint, wink, nudge?

Also, could you tell me what percentage of your body weight you are pushing when performing a push-up off the toes with toes on the floor, AND with the toes on a 6" platform? What would be an appropriate corresponding weight load with a supine bench press?

THANKS! GET SOME SLEEP! (after you've finished the new videos)


(This is a re-post - I can't believe the caption of my original post came up "Re New Rhythmic Step Video and Pus")
Hi Annette! I'm pretty much a night owl and I have those big dark rings that owls have to go with it ;-)! I must say though that since my son has been born I have made my "bedtime" more like 12am to 12:30am vs his before birth bedtime hour of 2am.

Rhythmic step will have dynamic moves inserted and perhaps even a killer jump inserted to capture your attention, but I mostly like to save those all out "killer;-)jumps" for interval tapes. But don't you worry, you'll be a huffin and a puffin, :)!

For push ups, I'm not sure if I am understanding your question correctly. I don't think you'll be able to gauge a corresponding weight for supine bench press based on the percentage of upper body load that is present during decline push ups. If you are unsure of a weight selection to start with for bench press, select a conservative amount and judge it from there. Good Luck!

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