new picture from summer to now

But the need to loose the fat over the muscle.
I still feel really fat.
The belly fat is bugging me. I blame it on not eating all day most days. I am just too buisy at work.
I am gonna go get some low carb smoothies to drink down.
My goal is bathing suit season.
I don't want to look like fat mama this year.
Oh , last year was worse. (Too embarrasing).
The pictutes got me back to working out.
Way to go, real improvement shown! Good work. I think goals/challenges are great.

Awesome progress! Keep it up! :7

I am waiting until after the holidays to post pictures of myself, that way it looks like I have lost more than I actually did! :+


You've made great progress. Keep it up! But you MUST quit the non-eating days. Your body needs to constantly be fueled in order to keep your metabolism up. If you go all day without eating your body fears it is starving and will hold on to EVERY SINGLE BIT of food you finally do eat and store it as fat for later when you starve yourself the next day. You should be eating "small" healthy meals every 2 1/2 to 3 hours to really keep your metabolism going. I would bet if you started to do that, you would be amazed. Good luck!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Anne, you look absolutely fantastic!! Your family is beautiful. But, Anne, that cannot be your daughter???? I'm not just being "nice", you honestly look like sisters or cousins or something. Great work!!

I love your workout space too!:) :) :)

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