New person to Cathe's videos with questions


I just order Cardio Max and Power Hour, and I hope that I haven't biten off more than I can chew. I am not new to exercise by any means, I am just new to Cathe. I don't have a barbell but I understand that you can modify her exercises with weights and only use dumbells. I have dumbells up to 15 pounds and can manage 2 dumbells in one hand if I want up to 20 pounds of weight in each hand. Anybody have the Power Hour tape and not have barbell and is successfully modifying it to suit their needs? I think with time and getting the moves down the Cardio Max shouldn't be a problem, I did rewatch the streaming video of it and hopefully can shorten some moves because my living room isn't as big as her workout area.

Thanks the videos should arrive next week and I hope I am not too sore after I am done trying them.

God bless you all!!


You should have no problem starting off Power Hour with all dumbbells. I can't think of a single exercise that you can't modify easily to use dumbbells.

If you really start to love Power Hour, like the rest of us, you will probably want to get a barbell, if only to add diversity and fun. I generally find that the more "toys" I have the more I stay interested. And staying interested is, in my opinion, the ultimate challenge for all exercise! ;-)

Take your new workouts at your own pace. YOu will be surprised to find how little weight you will need in Power Hour in order to reach muscle failure. Do not be discouraged by this!! The workout is designed this way to increase your muscle endurance. Save your heavy dumbbells for other workouts.

One more tip: No matter how seasoned an exerciser you may be, try the lunges, squats and plies in Power Hour the first time with NO WEIGHT AT ALL.

Hope this helps. And welcome to the group! :)

Oooops I goofed it should read I bought Circuit Max not cardio max, goes to show you I am new! Sorry!

My mistake

God bless you all!!


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