New Multi Vitamin that seems to give me energy


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-02 AT 08:59AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-02 AT 08:55 AM (Est)[/font]

I'm not too fussy about the multi-vitamins I buy - I usually go to Walmart or someplace like that. I had a coupon for a brand called Vitalert (not expensive at all, and at Marc's, Deb H), and I honestly had more energy this week! I'm doing longer tapes after resigning myself to several weeks of shorter CTX cardio because of my new temporary work situation, and I'm getting on my Airdyne at night for awhile after work. I'm going to try Circuit Max this morning, which I have not done for MONTHS.

This is unheard of for me! It may be the herbs that are in them - guarana extract, ginko biloba, ginseng, bee pollen, gofu kola, soy protein, ginger, lecithin, and rose hips. It IS supposed to be an "energizing" formula, and I guess it lives up to it's claims.

What a nice thing to stumble onto! I bought them just because I had a coupon. Performance Labs, Inc. makes them. You take four a day, and a bottle of 100 cost $5.79 without the coupon. Here is the website where you can search for the stores in your state that sell them.

Just Do It! :)
Thanks HB!!

This is going to sound stupid, but what if I take my normal two Viactive Chews, (CARAMEL :9) which is my daily requirement of Calcium with it? I also take Vit.C, "E", oderless Garlic and Chondroitin & Glucosamine???? Don't know that you can combine it with all them. Like I said, this is probably a stupid question but I don't know if I could give up my yummy chews. Anyone know?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks for this info. I'm almost out of my regular vitamins...and they have these at WalMart and Publix!
Cool!!...I need all the energy I can get!
Honeybunch, Thanks for the info. I've tried korean ginsing, vitamin B, plus I take a multi and nothing has helped me with my energy level. I will definitely check these out at Walmart on my next trip there. I wonder if energy level is also a genetic thing. Anybody know? I know that I eat right and get enough exercise, and I also make sure to get enough sleep. I should have more energy at 36 years old. Anybody know if genetics has anything to do with this?
I would guess that a great deal of the energy comes from guarana extract, which is a stimulant that is frequently used in thermogenics. I was taking BetaLean Ephedra-free for energy and the guarana extract was one of the ingredients.

dee c.
Yeah, doesn't Red Bull have guarana in it? Whoa, that keeps me up all night!! So that's the only time I drink it- when I *want* to stay up all night !
Yes, guarana has more caffeine in it than coffee. Truckers use it to stay alert. I have tried it and it gives a clean 6 hr. lift, so I doubt it's the vitamins, honeybunch! Be careful, at least take them in the morning.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-02 AT 06:20PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi!
HOneyBunch thanks for the info on Vitalert, I was wondering about this product.
Just for clearification, Guarana does not have caffeine but it has the same chemical composition as caffeine, and it is an stimulant but not with the same kind of sudden rush effect. If you are interested I had it info on Guarana:

"What Is Guarana Seed Extract?
The seed kernel of the tropical plant, Paullinia Cupana var. Sorbilis. Guaran extract is an extract of this seed.
For What Is Guarana Used?
Appetite suppressant
Smoking cessation
Pain relief
Commercially as a flavoring in soft drinks
The first record of the use of Guaraná dates all the way back to 1669! It was this year that a Jesuit missionary named J. Felipe Betendorf visited an area deep in the Amazon Basin where the Maué Indians were found using it as a daily tonic/stimulant. These Indians and the white settlers who lived with them lauded the beverage for its ability to ward off headaches, relieve cramps and fevers, and as an aphrodisiac. Maybe most responsible for its popularity was the belief by these people that their daily usage helped to prevent malaria and dysentery. It is still consumed today for all of these reasons.
How Does Guarana Work?
Guaraná contains tetra methylxanthine (as much as 5.8%!), a compound almost identical to caffeine; it also contains large amounts of theophylline, theobromine, tannic acid and is rich in saponins. The fact that Guaraná seed is fatty means that even ground into a powder, it is not readily water soluble and therefore not quickly absorbed by the body. The caffeine is released slowly--over as much as 6 hours--so the energy boost that is experienced from Guaraná is not like that of coffee (with a sudden rush and quick drop-off), but continues to escalate over hours. The tannic acid is astringent and probably accounts for its use as a digestive tonic. The saponin content may be partially responsible for its long term effects (saponins are the agents responsible for the energizing effects of Ginseng when it is taken over long periods). Theobromine and theophylline are two constituents of Guaraná that educated chocoholics will recognize. Theophylline is a stronger stimulant than even caffeine, but it is present in smaller amounts than caffeine. Theobromine is the stimulant/euphoriant so craved by chocoholics; with all three of theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine present."
Side effects are: restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, palpitation, vertigo, diarrhea, loss of appetite, headache (PDR)

Just to reassure anyone contemplating these vitamins, I have had NO side effects, and no trouble sleeping at all. I did Circuit Max with NO problems, and I did NOT feel half dead when I was done like I usually do. I had shelved that video because it wiped me out too much.

Just Do It! :)
Hey Debbie H!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-02 AT 12:15PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey girlfriend, what'd you determine/decide about combining this miracle vitamin (energy + me = miracle, these days!) with everything else you're taking? I ask because I take EXACTLY the same additional things you do (except that I take three Viactivs -- my bone density was in jeopardy on my first bone scan at age 47 because of my lifelong use of asthma inhalers (or so the doctor surmised)) so I'm on 1600 mg a day of added calcium). I would love to try HB's vitamin as my Centrum Performance are almost out -- but whaddya think?? Kathy S.
RE: Hey Debbie H!

Thanks HB!!! DH and I have both been suffering from LOE lately. (Lack of energy.) I looked up their website and they have the vitamins at Basha's and Osco. Right across the street from us! Thanks again!!

:) Sherry
RE: Hey Debbie H!

Your question was directed to Deb H, but I hope you don't mind if I chime in. I take the Vitalert, E, Chromium Picolinate, Glucosomine/Chondroitine (spelling?), a B-complex, Horse Chestnut (for vericose veins), calcium, a natural soy forumula for menopase, iron, and I think that's all. I never get sick or get colds. I get all my vitamins at Walmart & places like that, or from Swanson mail order vitamins.

Just Do It! :)
Hi Kathy!

Hi back atcha!!! I just now saw your post. I see HB answered! THANX HB!!!! I was relating my concerns to HB yesterday while we were together and she felt it was fine to continue my normal schedule, plus, include the Vitalert. I had no problems with queasiness at all this morning. I take my vitmins after my morning banana! :7 I then take my second dose of calcium, G/C and the garlic tablet right before bed. I have enough food still left in my stomach at the time because I do fine. I think this might be more then what you wanted to know. Let me know when KathyS is bouncing off the ceiling from all that excess energy! Also, don't forget the great buy at B.J.'s Wholesale Club!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks for recommending these. I'm going to get some tomorrow and give them a try. I can certainly use more energy.
RE: Thanks HB!

The church's resident martial arts expert and nutrition guru recommended chromium picolinate when I asked him what I could take to control my appetite. He said to take 400 mcg in the morning, so I dutifully do it. I don't know that it helps, but I do take them anyway. A former co-worker's doctor (she is at LEAST 100 overweight and diabetic) prescribed it to her for her blood sugar.

Just Do It! :)
Hi Honeybunch,

Just got back from the store. I got 100 tabs for $7.99. Inside was a coupon for $2 off two bottles of 100. Thanks for the info, I just took 4 and will keep you posted on how these work. I can use all the energy I can get! Where did you get your original coupon?

Please let us know if they help to give you energy and if you have any strange side effects. If they work without major side effects, I'm on my way to Walmart.

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