New moms (or moms to be) with 2.5 or 3 year olds?


Just wondering - how's it going? I have a one year old and I am trying to decide when to start trying for number 2 this coming year! I have always thought I'd like them about 2.5 years apart. I've heard that 3 years apart is easier since #1 can communicate to you. I just don't want my little guy to feel left out. DH and I will both be home for my #2's 12 week maternity leave, which I think will really help.

I have a two year old and a four year old. They are exactly (within 5 days) two years apart. It was so very busy at first, especially since #2 had health problems but now they are the best of friends. I wouldn't do it any other way. They play together so well - they fight of course but still, they are inseperable.

I am expecting #3 in July and #2 will be almost 3 1/2. I'm not sure how that is going to go. #2 is very attached to me and does not react well at all when I hold someone else. He doesn't even like it when I cuddle his brother.

I almost think it was easier when they were so close. My oldest doesn't remember life without his brother. He grew up sharing his toys and his parents. #2 is used to being the baby and I don't think he is going to react well when this baby is born.

Just my experience. :)
My first two are 26 months apart and my second two are 21 months apart. My husband and I didn't really plan out our spacing, it just kind of happened, but I think it worked out just fine. Don't worry about your first born feeling left out; kids are incredibly resilient, and I think if you are able to give him a sibling it will be the best gift you will ever give him. The first year is a difficult transition for everyone (let's be honest here) but you will make it through and everyone will be the better for it. Good luck to you in your decision-making.
p.s. in retrospect, it probably was a little bit easier having the slightly bigger gap in ages, but I'm not sure if that's due to the fact that my daughter was more mature, or that there was only two of them instead of three!

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