New mom's busy schedule



Hi, Cathe. As a mother of a 5 year old and an 8 week old, I am having problems fitting a 60 minute cardio workout into my schedule. My husband works a lot of hours and when he is home, I try to block off that time as family time, rather than work-out time. How effective is dividing one of your videos into two thirty minute workouts done in the same day?
what I did

Hi. I only "found" Cathe after my baby was born. In fact my first Cathe was MIS which I purchased because it seperated body parts into 5-8 minute segments allowing me to conveniently fit in my exercise throughout the day or as my family schedule in the afternoon would allow. I found it quite effective. Since your baby is only 8 weeks old I think it would work out great for you. In fact, Cathe's new tapes are similar to my routine in that she trains one body part a day. In addition I took breif walks with the baby during the day for my "cardio" until things settled a bit. (SLEEP especially
) Please don't push it you'll get back into the groove before you know it. Enjoy that baby of yours and your family. You are blessed with a new precious life!
Hadn't thought of that!

I hadn't thought of dividing up MIS like that. Good idea! My 5 year old is named Rachel!

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