New kitties!


We got new kitties today :)

We had to put Merlin to sleep in October, and we were ready for new kitties. We got 2 sisters from the pound, guessitmated to be 10-12 weeks old. They both seem to know what the litter box is :D:);):):):):):D:D:D

The tiger/white is Apollymi and the tiger is Cersei.

Vlad seems to be apprehensive. He's just kind of staying away from them. Apollymi hissed at him once or twice and Cersei is ignoring him.



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Aweeee!! They are so cute. I love cats!!

Dela - the picture of your kitties look like my two cats when they were babies. We named them Smokey (the gray one) and Bandit (the black one). :) Our boys are no longer babies. They are brothers and are 13 years old. We found out Bandit is diabetic in February and requires two insulin shots a day and shortly after that found out he has the start of kidney disease. He's been doing great for the past few months so we're grateful. We don't have any kids so our cats are our kids. The only bad thing about it is that it makes it very difficult to get away. He won't let anyone else give him his shots besides me. He runs away from everyone else.

Sorry to go on and on about my cats.

Nan - enjoy your new kittens.

Awww, adorable, Nan!

Apollymi is Greek, right? I'm curious about the name Cersei. Would you share?

Apollymi is the Atlantean goddess of destruction, from the Dark Hunter book series by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Cersei is the evil rhymes-with-witch queen from the Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin.

Book nerds here!

Nan: I'm so glad you were ready for new kitties. They look like sweeties! (I hope they aren't as evil and destructive as their names suggest, LOL!)
They are just so very precious. The one on the left looks like my Gatsby when he was a baby.
Best of luck to you!
Apollymi is the Atlantean goddess of destruction, from the Dark Hunter book series by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Cersei is the evil rhymes-with-witch queen from the Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin.

Book nerds here!


Ah, OK...I sense a theme! :p

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