Hi Edith! Definietly check out this site about Laura Dayton's Lowerbody Solution method! It is a high frequency training method of working the lowerbody throughout the week at different intensity levels coupled with intense cardio. Here's a site that will give you more info of the program to better understand it!
http://www.virtualfit-trainer.com/LBS.htm AS for personalizing your own workouts,start out with simple and slow exercises(since you are doing the Intensity series-tuff back to back)In 3 weeks evaluate your progress and increase difficulty for 3 more weeks. When you are doing the LBS alone or with moderate intensity workouts challenge yourself by doing more reps,sets,weights and decrese your rest time! Make sure that the exercises that you choose to perform are properly planned and sequenced with varying cycles of intensities throughout the week! Hopefully we will soon have a video based on this fabulous book. I was recently talking to Greg from Cia to come out with a lowerbody solution tape that will take the guesswork out for many on how to build their own plan! Some ideas I proposed would be to do 1 an all weights video using heavy weight with low reps lunges,stepups,deadlifts,goodmornings,calf raises,Day2 Kickboxing moves(no weights)-lots of front,side, & back kicks and roundhouses etc Day 3 highreps with low weights workout Day4 pilates / power yoga floorwork Day 5 circuit step- interval training w/athletic moves(plyos,scissors,ski hops,lunges,jacks,jumprope,a lil bootcamp style) Day6 Ballet work and traditional floor work including pelvic tilts,inner,outter thighs, glute raises,butt lifts and hamstring curls etc. To me this would be the ultimate LowerbodyWorkout, perfect timing for summer huh? Oh well if not we can always be creative and do it on our own! HTH