New Instructor - Bootcamp/Kickboxing


Active Member
I'm looking for a good Boot Camp or Kickboxing video but wanted to try someone other than Cathe. I am looking for something challenging so if any of you out there can steer me in the right direction I would appreciate it!

Have you tried anything by Mindy Mylrea? I think she is awesome, although some people don't like her chatty, goofy, style. She is intense, and her Kick Butt Bootcamp is a great, intense workout. I think she's equally as challenging as Cathe, but she has a much different style.
I personally do not like the Mindy Mylrea's KickButt Bootcamp that well. The first two sections are alright but the KickBox section grates on my nerves. The leader doesn't stay with the music, calls right the left and vice versa and most annoyingly says, "Bam" at nearly every punch.

I'd keep on looking!
I have to say that I don't like Amy's BC workout. The weight work leaves a lot to be desired and was not tough enough, IMO. I also think Amy's original workouts (one being BC) are WAY overpriced, especially for a first offering. Just giving you another perspective.
I have preordered and am taking a chance on 3 workouts from a brand new instructor ( and one of them will be a 90 min. kickboxing workout (40 min. of kickboxing, 40 min. of sculping/balance moves). You may want to watch for reviews on that one as well.
Edited to say...ooops. I think this should be in open discussion since we are talking about other instructors. Sorry folks!

I'm sorry, I'm not used to posting. I hope I didn't offend Cathe. I'll remember next time that Open Discussion is for all other instructors/workouts, etc.


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