new home stepper


New Member
Can anyone give me a few suggestions on any workout videos that are good for someone new to stepping. I just bought my step and it seems that Cathe is pretty advaned, and there isn't much else out there in terms of vhs or dvd.
Pleeeaaase give me some suggestions! Thanks

Hi Dwilliams,
It would be easier to give you some suggestions if we had a better idea of what you are looking for. Are you an advanced exerciser, but new stepper? Beginner? In generally good cardiovascular health but choreographically challenged?
HI Rosiekitty,
I used to be in very good cardio health several months ago (run on treadmill 40 min. between 5.5-6.4) , however the last few months I haven't done almost anything - so I'm thinking I want to start out basic (cardio and choreographically).
I've taken basic beginner step before so I'm not totally in the dark.
I got the kathy smith step workout and that seems to be a good start, but I'd like more if possible.

thanks for your reply.
I would suggest Keli Robert's Step tape. I can't remember the name. It's called Real Fitness. It's not the circuit tape, it is pure step and it is a blast. Some Reebok videos are pretty fun too. You could maybe try Mega Step Blast or the Wedding video of Cathe's, but they are much faster than any other step tapes I've tried. Have fun!
OK, most of the good "beginner" step workouts are just on VHS, not DVD. I recommend:

Kathy Smith: Step Workout (which you seem to have)
Susan Powter: Lean, Strong and Healthy (has superb instruction for modifications)
Reebok Step (Gin Miller) (Kind of depressing IMHO, but teaches all the basic steps)
Keli Roberts: Ultimate Step (Good music, but she doesn't mirror cue. This one is more intermediate, I think)

Soon after getting comfortable with these, you may want to start trying Cathe. I would suggest starting with Step Heat (for the easier choreography), although others may disagree. Her intensity and choreography are much more advanced than the tapes listed above, but her cueing is magnificent. I am still at a B/I level, so what I do is one of the tapes above, and then do a section of Step Heat. The one time I tried to do it all the way though, I turned blue.

You might as well start with the good stuff as soon as you are able. You can't go wrong with any Cathe tape/DVD, although some may require modifications at first. Above all, don't get discouraged! Congratulations on your stepping. I hope you love it.

Hope this helps!
Another word of advice

As a new stepper myself, I'd like to add that anytime you get confused or tired, drop the arms. Once you get the legs going in the right direction, it's easy to add in the arms again, later. I always thought I was too slow and clumsy to learn step, but with encouragement from this forum, I learned from some of the same tapes mentioned above. Gin Miller's (unfortunately, a bit depressing) Step Reebok and Kathy Smith's Step were the most helpful when I first started.
Hi D!!!! I found that Tamilee Webb's (Buns of Steel guru) step video's are basic. Arms & Abs of Steel 2000 platnuim series is a mix of arms & step then abs at the end. When I started home stepping I bought a step that came with Cathe's "All Step" video, that was advanced and I'd get mixed up and frustated. I started with Tamilee, got the basic moves down then advanced to Cathe. Now when I want an easier workout I use Tamilee & if I want to blow it out I go for Cathe. Tamilee has a website You can also find Tamilee's videos at Hope that helps. Best of luck to you. Kisha.
RE: Another word of advice

Hi Wutherhi,
Thanks for your advice - it's great to have support from people. I tried step classes at the gym but unfortunately they were all advanced so someone who is a clumsy beginner like me gets frusturated and confused.
One of the other fourm members said something about Gin Miller's tape being depressing, what do you mean?
Hi Kisha,
thanks for your advice, I'll check out her website. Only thing is once you start buying workout videos - it's addictive ! ! My husband already thinks I'm crazy since I keep getting new videos before trying all the previous one's I've bought. I've already started a nice collection w/ Denise Austin and now Leslie Sansone (for those really low impact days when I don't feel like thinking but still want to do 3miles).
So, I guess now I'll just have to add to my collection!!

I understand the addiction. It's important to have a variety. You know us women, we need options. Have you seen the new infomercial for "The Firm"? I told my husband that's what I wanted & when he saw how much it costs, he said, "What's the big deal?" I pointed out the fanny lifter, and he said, "Didn't you get something like that for x-mas". (The step) I thought, okay he has a point & what I really wanted was the 3 new videos included in the set. I was looking at the ads in the newspaper this past weekend & what did I see, K-Mart is selling just the videos for $22.99. So I'm headed over there today to pick up my set. I don't know about you, but I get so excited when I get a video I havn't done before. It's challenging to learn the workouts and routines. I think that's when I get bored though, when I get the routine down & it starts getting easy. That's when I start buying new ones. I do refer back to the oldies in my collection too. LOL Kisha:D

I second (third?) the recommendation on Keli Roberts' Ultimate Step. After you're comfortable with that one, I think you could try one of Cathe's earlier tapes like Step Heat. Also, when I first started doing Cathe's tapes, I put my step down a level from what I was used to (for example, if you've been using 6 inches, start with 4 inches). Then I gradually raised it back up, doing the first 10 minutes on the higher step before going back to the lower step, then adding a few minutes each time I did the tape until I could do it all at the higher level. I found this helped me a lot.

Happy stepping!

PS: I think a lot of people find the Gin Miller tape depressing because of the post-industrial set. It's kind of like the Janet Jackson "Rhythm Nation" video (I think that's the one?) -- dark, metallic, sort of military. And Gin Miller's head appears on giant "Big Brother" video screens to give the verbal cues... I suppose this was trendy at the time. It does teach the basics well, though (there's a little tutorial at the end of the video, after the workout).
Hi audrey,
thanks for the advice. I'll try that video. Only thing is that they are all so expensive over the internet! Ususally 15-$20 for a decent step video. Oh, well I guess that's the small price to pay for looking fit !
Have you ever used any of the espn videos? I just bought a beginner and intermediate dvd that was only 11.98 at sam's club, but I'm not sure I want to open it yet until I can find some reviews.

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