New here with some 1RM testing questions


New Member
Hi everyone,

My name is Athena and I'm looking forward to starting STS! I read through the user guide and have a few questions about doing the 1RM's. I did look through the forums and got some of my questions answered but still have a few questions unanswered:

1. How do I find an actual demonstration of the exercise that I want to test? Do I have to go through the DVD's to find them? I've never heard of some of them and have no clue what they are! The picture only shows me so much...

2. Do I just test the exercises that are in that download sheet (the PDF)? Or do I do all of the ones in the drop down menu on the One Rep Max page on here? There's an awful lot of exercises to go through!

3. I assume that I do all of these before even thinking of starting the program, right?

Please bear with me as I'm still trying to get accustomed to all of this! Thanks in advance!
gratefuldog gave you good information. I am in the middle of Meso 2 of STS and I am so very glad I did the 1RM testing. I am lifting heavier than I ever though was possible for me--but it is possible!

I did the 1RM testing by mesocycle. There is a lot to do for Meso 1, but much less for meso 2 & 3. I used the drop down menu on the 1RM testing part of the workout manager, and like gratefuldog, I would watch the little video and then go do the testing. A lot of it carries over into Meso 2. Also, some of it is listed as a different exercise, but it really isn't. There aren't a lot of those, but a few, so you can just type in your 1RM for those.

Have fun! You will not regret taking the time to do the 1RM testing. It is time consuming and kind of a pain, but well worth the effort.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate your advice! However, I still can't seem to locate any videos. If I click on the exercises in the drop down menu all I see is a gray box that says "No Image Available at this time". Any thoughts? Am I looking in the right place?
Thanks guys! I really appreciate your advice! However, I still can't seem to locate any videos. If I click on the exercises in the drop down menu all I see is a gray box that says "No Image Available at this time". Any thoughts? Am I looking in the right place?

It's blocked somehow. That's how it looks on the computer at my workplace because they have everything blocked so that people cannot watch Youtube or any other kind of video at work. You will have to enable something in order to watch the videos. I don't know what! Maybe install Java or something? I don't know. Maybe someone else here knows, but that is why you can't view the videos. I watched them on my home computer which has everything enabled.
I just checked again and now it works...and I didn't change anything. Who knows! At least now I can see the videos. I can't wait to finish these 1rm tests and start the program. Thanks for all of your help!

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