New here - Hi! Need suggestions


Active Member
Hi to everyone here!! I am new to this site and new to Cathe. That woman ROCKS!!!! She is fabulous and motivates me to the max!! I am very familiar to the FIRM and found Cathe through that site. Everyone raved about her and so I thought..well, why not? I ordered Mega Step Blast (wanted to get a good intro video)and, boy, was I put through my paces!! It was a great starter tape and after 3 times I got the moves down. I had become too familiar with my FIRM tapes and really needed a kick in my routine. Cathe definitly provided that! Now I am on to bigger and better things! I have my credit card right by my side and am about to order more Cathe!! What suggestions would you have for me? I have previewed the tapes but I think veteran Cathe users could steer me in the right direction to take me to the next level. TIA
Hi! I don't think you can wrong with ANY Cathe tapes! But, as an avid FIRM user (that's what I started with also), I think that you would like MIS/MIC as a set of cross trainers (i.e. Hare/Tortoise or Pam/Heidi). I also love all of her new series and the new Circuit tape and Kickboxing tape. Bodymax and Interval Max still remain my top Cathe favorites, though. So, if you can max out the credit card, go for it! You'll have weeks of great workouts ahead!
Bodymax--don't miss it. Also Stepfit--my favorite of all of her "step tapes." Previous suggestion on Maximum Intensity Strength also valid. Consider this: (as a Firm user --and I still use them, especially the first 3) I now own every Cathe tape and there's not a week that goes by when I don't use at least one of them...
I agree with the BodyMax!! It's my all time favorite!! If you want a real kick in the seat, also get IMAX!! WOW!! I love MIS also. Great strength training! The 6-pak is also great for crosstraining! And your endurance will soar!! One last thing, StepFit and PowerMax are terrific all cardio routines! As someone else said though, you can't go wrong with any Cathe tape that you choose!! They'll all give you a kick in the seat!


If you are looking for fun... go with Step Fit, Power Max, Step Jam or Cardio Kicks. If you are looking for tapes that will kick your butt...Body max or Circuit Max.

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