New Healthy Recipie


Hi Everyone,

I just made a very yummy and satisfying dinner for myself. I thought I'd share it with you all. It is easy to make too.

Chop up 3 cloves of garlic
Coarsely chop 1 large onion
slice 1 large container of button mushrooms
1/2 bag baby spinach leaves

saute the onion and garlic in 1 tbsp of olive oil. Add some salt and pepper. Add the mushrooms and spinach and cook uncovered until they are done.

I also had a veggie burger with a slice of melted swiss cheese on top.

It was yummy and quick.

Very nice Cruncholi - I eat the same meal quite often except I normally have the spinach and mushrooms just raw in a salad. Or sometimes I sandwich a huge portobello mushroom in a burger bun with tomatoes etc. and have a protein shake with it. Do you eat your veggie burger plain or in a sprouted whole wheat burger bun or something like that? I do (I am addicted to starchy carbs) and I was just wondering if I eat too much at night.

I love the raw spinach salad with mushrooms also. It is delicious. I put on a low fat warm bacon dressing that I get at my local grocery store or balsamic vinegar.

That particular night that I posted this I just ate the veggie burger without any bun, but sometimes I put it on whole wheat toast or a warm pita. Very yummy! I never tried a sprouted whole wheat bun--I'll see if I can find them at the store next time.

The portobello mushroom sandwich sounds great. Is it raw or cooked? I will have to try that.

I don't think you are eating too much at night! Bon appetit!

I love sprouted whole grain bread. Apparently sprouted wheat has a higher protein content. I use Ezekiel burger or hot dog buns but I think you get other brands as well. As for the portobello mushrooms - I normally brush them with a bit of olive oil or spray it with some Pam (olive oil flavour) and then grill it on both sides. I guess you could eat them raw. Another really quick dinner is 1/2 cup of liquid egg substite (or egg whites) scrambled with finely chopped tomatoes, red onions, green chillies, green or red peppers, cilantro and salsa. I have that with a sprouted whole grain english muffin. Yummy!
I eat a shroom burger once or twice a week! Here's what I do:
I get a big portobello shroom cap and a bell pepper (any color) and an onion, yellow or red... cut the onion into slices and halve the pepper. Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray and turn on the broiler. Wisk together 1 tsp olive oil with about 1 T balsamic the shroom cap, half the pepper, and onion rings on the baking sheet and brush with the olive oil mixture. Then broil for about 10 mins, until everything is browned. I layer it all on a whole grain bun from whole foods... Ezekial Food for Life 7 sprouted grains... YUM... with pepper jack soy cheese, ff mayo, mustard, and a few fresh basil leaves. It's one of my fave meals. Try it and tell me what you think. Buy a big shroom cap and with all the veggies and the bun, it's a meal in itself!
Yummmm. I will definitely try that one. I just started getting some basil leaves in my herb garden that are big enough and will come in handy for this recipie. I'll let you know how I like it. I'm sure it is great.
PR: A little off topic but I picked up that Bob Arnot book you've mentioned before at Half Price Books. Fantastic book! Thank you for mentioning it. Totally validates all the things I've been trying to live by. Anyone interested in "clean eating," I would suggest you go pick this up. I got a hardcover copy in great condition at Half Price Books for $4.98
Hi there-
I just tried to locate this book at half-price book. It sounds like a wonderful book. Any clues about the website? Thanks so much. KB
If you're not where there's a store, you can buy a used copy pretty cheaply on Amazon. Or failing that, our Half Price had lots of them for $5. You can send me a SASE and a fiver and I can go pick one up for you.

But do check Amazon.
Thank you so much. I will check Amazon. I purchase books from them all the time. I just wanted to get that discount. Thank you again. KB

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