New girl needs help


New Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-02 AT 11:06AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-02 AT 11:04 AM (Est)[/font]


I'm new to exercise and need some advice. I currently weigh 180 pds and I'm 5'2 (large boned). My top weight was 220, and I'm extremely out of shape. I've just decided to start exercising, and I'm too self-conscious to go to a gym; I can't afford a trainer. I've heard that Cathe is by far the best when it comes to workout videos, and I recently ordered the following:

CTX series
Wedding video
The new series

I've also got the Firm 6-pack, some Leslie Sansone videos, and some of those buns of steel tapes. However, I previewed some of the Firms and I'm little uncomfortable with them. I'm not secure enough today to spend 3-7 hours a week with a bleached blond with fake boobs (sorry - I know this has to do with my own issues).

I need help in putting together a rotation and workout schedule. Since you can't see me, I'll describe myself to you. I carry most of my weight in my thighs, hips and butt. But I'm flabby all over. I have large breast that hang down to my belly button (like Carol Burnett). My butt really needs some serious help! My waist is my best feature, but my stomach is untoned as well. Because I haven't exercised in so long, and because of the extra weight, I give out of breath easy. Also, I'm extremely busy, and I'd like to exercise 30-50 minutes a day. Right now I'm just walking one mile a day.

I've been eating very healthy for about 6 months now, and I'm still losing wt.

If you are still with me, thank you so much for taking time to read this and to help me. I feel very appreciative to have found this site.

God bless!
Rhonda D
Welcome to Catheland Rhonda you'll find the ladies here to all be highly supportive and informative. Based on what you described and from what I've read on other threads, you like myself are an endomorph body type. If I guessed wrong by all means tell me so. However,the tapes you have are an excellent start to get you on your way to a more lean and defined body. Unfortunately, I don't have the CTX series but based on all the different rotations I've read this set is great for its cardio portions teamed with either the Slow & Heavy series or else Pure Strength. You mentioned that you were extremely out of shape so I would start with the PS series. There are a lot of great Cathe rotations posted here:

I'm sure some of the other ladies will also chime in with some of their favorite rotations, along with all sorts of information to all your questions. Once again welcome.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-02 AT 12:08PM (Est)[/font][p]Rhonda,

First of all let me congratulate you on your decission to get fit & healthy. Keep your goals realistic & you'll be a success!

Being new to excercise, you have taken on some very ambitious purchases here. Go light in whatever rotation you decide on (Jilliana has pointed you in the direction I would have!). Work your way up slowly so you don't burn out or get hurt. Don't get discouraged when you hit a plateau. Just kick it up a notch or change your rotation & you'll soon be seeing results again. Walking a mile a day for someone of your size is AWESOME! Try adding a little each day--even if it's just 10 steps more. You'll be surprised at how quickly you make progress.

There are a lot of knowledgable people here. Keep looking in & you'll learn a lot!


I'm ready to take the next step!

Came back in to say -- don't blame you with the "bleach blonde, fake boob" thing! I feel the same way. How canyou have a good body image if you feel you have to go & do that to your body. I'll keep my little double a's thank you very much!
Hi Rhonda,

Just wanted to chime in with a few more words of support and advice. I am a large boned woman like yourself with a lot of extra weight to lose--check out an earlier thread "Endo-chicks unite!" to read about other women like us who love Cathe's videos.

You have a very ambitious fitness plan--bravo for you! HOWEVER, I want to encourage you to not get TOO ambitious as you start out, because you don't want to get discouraged/burnt out/injured. Even after exerising steadily for months, I still have to modify Cathe's tapes a lot. For instance I rarely do high impact moves, and I last a lot longer if I use a lower step height with her videos (they are intense and also faster-paced, I believe, than other step videos). Also, I'm not sure if you are aware of the collage video catalog/website, but it is a great resource where you can preview a lot of the videos before you buy them (sounds like you want to make sure there are no Baywatch types in your videos...I don't blame you!). You can check that out at

Best of luck to you, and keep us posted on your progress!

Lauren :)
Hi Rhonda!

Just a quickie Hello & WELCOME to the gang. So glad to have you join us! I see you have already gotten some great advice. I would say continue your walking if you are still getting results and maybe add extra mileage or put some intervals into your walk...slow, fast, slow, fast for variation. I would also suggest either the PS Series or MIS to add weight work to your rotation. Be sure to start out with VERY light weights or no weights at all if neccesary and build from there. Should you decided to add a step tape, I would suggest the Wedding video as a GREAT starter. That was my very first Cathe tape. It has some wedding footage in it which is fun to see. (You don't have to be planning a wedding, in other words! ;-)) Have fun, keep us posted and again, WELCOME!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My suggestion would be to do the Leslie Sansone tapes to start for your cardio, and just do 3 in one week to start out.

I would do the weights portion of the Wedding Tape of Cathe's, and do that twice per week.

Alternate the Leslie tapes with the Wedding tape Weight portions, and that should get you off to a good start.

This is a very simple way to get started with light cardio and weights that aren't too challenging. So you have 5 workout days and 2 rest days per week.

Just Do It! :)
Thanks for all of the feed-back! I'm so happy to have found this forum.

So, here's my plan, starting today:

Do the Leslie Videos or walk on my own 3 times a week. Do a weights video twice a week.

In a few weeks I'll add in the step porting of the Wedding video and work my way up from there. Sound good?

Thanks again!

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