New girl needs help


New Member
Hello! I'm new to Cathe videos and can't decide between Interval Max, PowerMax or BodyMax. I am in need of a very challenging, intense workout. I'm in good shape, and I workout 6 days a week. Most workouts and/or videos just don't get my heart rate high enough. I do step, interval, and weight training. I'm also a runner. I appreciate any advice anyone can give me! Thanks!
If I had to pick just one, I'd get Imax because it's still fun to me after 2-1/2 years of doing it.
If you're just looking for cardio, I'd get Interval Max. If you want a tape that also has endurance oriented weight training, I'd get Body Max. Keep in my mind that unless you have 90 minutes to workout, you'll probably have to split Body Max into 2 days, cardio and then strength.


P.S. Are you a hockey fan?
I am YOU- a runner and have a hard time getting my heart rate up with aerobics. I can't even think about going to the local Y for classes, way too easy. You have found the right place-CATHE. I absolutely LOVE Bodymax. I actually am on my second tape, the first one wore out! It is intense and works your entire body. Granted, it is a 90 minute tape but you don't have to do it all at once. You can do the weights after a run. I-Max is good too, very intense but no weights. I haven't done Powermax for awhile, it just doesn't move as fast as the other tapes. It may be harder at the beginning but the more you do it, you will get frustrated since it takes her longer to build the routines. In her more recent tapes, Cathe moves through the routines at a quicker pace, in the sense that she doesn't repeat every move 4-6 times. CardioKicks is also a good tape, I was hesitant because I did not think a kickboxing tape would be intense-WRONG! I also would suggest Circuit Max. I have them all! The CTX tapes are great but shorter in length, sometimes I just do 2 CTX tapes, the aerobic sections only and do the weights later. Good luck and have fun, CATHE is the best!

Yes, I am a HUGE hockey fan, how nice of you to notice! Colorado Avalanche is my team and Peter Forsberg is my favorite player.
I figured you were an Avalanche fan. Too bad about the Stanley Cup though. I'm also a big hockey fan, too. But, I like a losing team, lol..the Columbus Bluejackets. Even though we lose, I love going to all the games, they're alot of fun!

As a runner myself, I would like to say that sometimes I think we runners underestimate the value of a video workout, especially Cathe's.

When I went from running to Cathe, I actually found it to be harder because while running is great for the cardiovascular system, it is not as good as Cathe's for the muscular system, meaning Cathe workouts are much better for total body. You are using more muscles, therefore the total body conditioning is better.

I am much stronger now than when I ran that I incorporate other things such as biking and rollerblading and have found I have a much higher "functional fitness".

Don't underestimate the cardio effects of adding some extra muscular demand. Running feels MUCH easier now that I have added Cathe tapes to my repoitoire.

Just my two cents.....Janice
I am similar to you and am always in search of high intensity workouts. My other challenge is that I need them to have fairly easy choreography. This is why Cathe is a perfect fit for me. I really like Powermax, but that's what I do on my "light" cardio day. I wouldn't suggest it if "intense workout" is what you want. I absolutely LOVE bodymax. The step section is very fast and very intense. I have actually worn my heartrate monitor and have found that I can get at least 32 minutes in my target heartrate zone. I bought it for the Cardio, but have been very pleased with the weight workout as well. I also LOVE IMAX, but sometimes, during the recovery phase, I have a hard time keeping my heartrate up. I have to modify the steps to be sure I stay up there. One other thing about IMAX is that it actually has improved my running speed and endurance.
I have all 3 videos and absolutely love them all. I would recommend Interval Max -- it's VERY high-intensity and FUN! However, I must warn you ..... once you work-out to a Cathe video, you'll be HOOKED, and you'll probably end up buying all three (and then some)! I have acquired quite a large Cathe video library, and I can't wait 'til the new ones are released!

Your friend in fitness,
Chris :-jumpy

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