New fitness guidelines


It's been in the news recently that the new recommendation is that you get at least one hour of exercise everyday. I was wondering if that is an hour of cardio or could it be weights or a combo of both?

There's no WAY I can fit an hour of cardio in everyday and still lift weights. Not with a full-time desk job and a 2 year old.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-02 AT 08:53AM (Est)[/font][p]Someone mentioned this on the Video Fitness forum recently. That hour of exercise is cumulative throughout the day and can be anything from walking to the mailbox to doing laundry to pulling weeds to doing all of Body Max. :)

Edit... I forgot to add earlier that I really hope this new guideline doesn't turn people off to exercise even more. For someone who doesn't exercise regularly or is new to exercise, they might think they have to exercise intensely for an hour straight to get any health benefits, which isn't true at all. Sure, for weight loss you probably need to up the intensity a bit, but for general health benefits I think the idea is just to not sit on your butt in front of the TV as much. ;-)

I do think an hour of exercise applies really to people like me who has a sedentary job sitting in the office 8 hours a day 5 days a week. However, if your life style is a lot more active, say waitressing where you are on your feet all day then it probably doesn't apply.

>How do you attach that cute
>signature to your posts? Can
>you attach it to your
>emails also?

In your user profile, there's an area where you can fill in a signature -- it can be text and/or an image. There are instructions in the help section of the forum (button at the top next to Log Out button). If you use an image, it has to reside on a web server, though (just be aware that some of the free web hosting services don't let you link to an image that way).
Hay Ladies..just putting my two cents in -
I 'm e-mailing Cathe and this caught my eye.

I first heard of this in the USA today(September), then again through my ACE newsletter update. Funny because I was speaking at a fitness workshop the day I read it. My husband Barry gave me the article to bring to the meeting so I could inform the instructors.

They were feeling the same frustrations, of turing people off to exercise due to time. They asked me how to go about encouraging people to do both the weights and cardio. Their main concern, again-time. Just getting the community here to move 20 minutes (Southwest, Ga.) is a chore.

So, I revised the aerobic schedule to include more of Cathe's "Power Hour" type workouts. Class size has picked up the last two weeks(from 6 to 18ish). It at least gets them doing both types of training, since people here are not active overall-often sitting and eating fried foods for b/l & d(I am trying to educate about that as well...slow...but some progress is HAPPENING).

The people here in Americus do not like to challenge their heart rates 'cause perspiration is not lady like(or so they say), so Power Hour gets them just on the brink of sweating.

With my clients I train in the weight room, I've explained the change as "general guidelines", trying to encourage them to include both weight training and cardio whenever possible throughout the day vs all at one time.

I train them 45 minutes to an hour with free weights, then ask them for a minimum of a 1/2 hour of cardio later.

Walking is their main form of cardio here, for general health and well being. So my clients are training: 1 1/2 total hours per day, 4 days a week. I suggest another 2 days of 1/2 hour walking if they can. Not much to do here in this SMALL town, so they can walk their dogs and children(at 7:00pm, the main street is full of the town see everyone).
Sunday's are for church and family, so this is their rest day.

Not like most of us who workout Cathe Stlye...but they enjoy what they are doing...

I often try to motivate them through their personal fitness goals.

Always reminding them that some is better than none.

Just a little something from someone who misses her workout friends and partners home in jersey, from a lonly one down in the deep hot south...

Rhonda Davis
Hey Rhonda!

Thanks for sharing with us! Glad to see that your classes are picking up! :7 Maybe, you can GRADUALLY increase their intensity and not even tell them! ;-) Are you going to be joining the "Cathe Crew" this time around for the next series???? Great hearing from you! BTW, hubby & I just finished working out with you & the gang in PowerHour! Whew!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Rhonda!

Hay DebbieH...thanks for the encouragement-
to pick up the intensity GRADUALLY.

When I first moved here two years ago, I scared many people away from my classes. Fortunately, I learned to back off, so someone would show up for class. For about a year, I had 5-10 people in Yoga, 3-6 in step/kickboxing, and 6-11 in spinning. Sometimes it was hard to stay motivated, for such small class sizes, especially after teaching so many years for Chris and Cathe at 4 Seasons. The classes were full and LOTS OF ENERGIZED BUNNIES WORKED HARD...couldn't work some hard enough Those were the days, I miss the members! SOB STORY...SORRY!

Now, however, with the changes I've made in the schedule, I have about 15 regulars in my Metabolism Boost Class(like Cathe's Power Hour), 20ish in the Rock Hard Ab Class(15 minutes), and about 20 in the Bottoms Up Class(thighs, butt and ab class lasting 45 minutes...had members name the class and vote on the final choice...cute name...hard work).

As far as getting together with Cathe for the upcoming videos(I just found out yesterday when Lisa e-mailed me), I will have to wait to hear from Chris or Cathe. I sure would love to continue doing them and see my old buddies at the club, friends, and family any opportunity that I get. I remember last time Cathe sent me the choreography on video and I practiced faithfully...a little scary though. I give Cathe and Chris LOTS of CREDIT for trusting me like that. I could have bombed big time. But anyway, I'll have to wait to hear from them when they get a chance to check in. So we will see.

Thanks again for you kind post, I hope keep the gradual education and encouragement for steps towards health and wellness here in Americus.
See Ya,

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