New DVDS: equipment?


Hi Cathe & SNM,

I asked this question on another thread, but I think it's gotten buried somewhere.

Do you have a rough idea at this time of the equipment needed? Will any of the workouts be equipment-free?

I pre-ordered regardless but am just wondering.

I know I listed this generally somewhere but I don't have the time to find it right now. So sorry about that. I really can't give an absolute answer because sometimes I have to make a last minute change for the better of the workout but I like to stay as close to the description as possible.

Hope this helps!

Hi Cathe & SNM,

I asked this question on another thread, but I think it's gotten buried somewhere.

Do you have a rough idea at this time of the equipment needed? Will any of the workouts be equipment-free?

I pre-ordered regardless but am just wondering.

I really can't give an absolute answer because sometimes I have to make a last minute change for the better of the workout but I like to stay as close to the description as possible.

Hi Cathe!

Oh yes, I understand that and was looking for a rough idea only. I did do a search and tried to read some of the previous threads but still haven’t caught where it was mentioned. Thanks, anyway, for your response. I'll keep my eyes peeled for an update once the details are more solid.

And thanks, Wendy, for the bump!

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