New DVD-video player - problems - help!


Hi -
I'm wondering if anyone has some suggestions for my little problem. My VHS player died, so I bought a DVD/VHS combo player. The problem is, I think my TV may be too old, right on the edge of a technology change or something.

The sound on several of my Cathe tapes is all funky sounding, like the tape is about ready to wear out or something. I know for a fact that it is not, because it sounded fine on my old player. The picture is fine on the new player.

The sound is all - well, wavy sounding, especially on the first part of the tapes, but it seems to even out as the routines progress.

When I attached the cable provided with the player (connects player to TV) the sound was even worse, so I used the cable that goes with the TV.

The DVDs that I have all sound fine, no problems at all.

Is there some sort of cable or other relatively inexpensive fix I can get? I guess my other options are to 1)buy a new TV or 2)replace all my Cathe VHS tapes with DVDs!

Please note: this is most certainly NOT a complaint about any of Cathe's products. I'm quite sure it's a problem with my TV setup.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi! I don't have much advice to offer - just sympathy! The same thing happened to me when I got a new VCR that had stereo sound. My old tapes sounded really terrible, but had seemed fine on the older VCR. The worst was a Gilad aerobics tape that was not the best quality to begin with.

If you have an option to turn off stereo sound on your player or your tv, that might help you.

Good luck!
Hey, Tonya -
I'll check on that stereo sound option first thing tomorrow! I don't know if I have it, but thanks a lot for the info!
Hi Shannon,

I read your e-mail to my techy husband and he thinks that the VCR part of the player that you purchased might be bad. He said some more stuff which I don't remember because I sort of have ADD when people talk tech to me. So you might try exchanging it before you buy a new tv. Now of course my husband's solution is to buy a new tv because you ALWAYS need the newest model. My solution would be to purchase all of Cathe's workouts on DVD if you're independently wealthy!

Good luck. My husband "counsels" many people over the phone with problems just like this, so hopefully he's right and it's that simple.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Hmmmm..... Susan - I wonder if Wal-Mart will take it back after about three weeks of use, without the box it came in? Thanks for checking with your husband - I appreciate it, and his expert "techy" advice. Thank him for me, too, please.

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