My two cent
I pre-ordered the latest CIAs but I think I'm just going to reserve that honor for Cathe & Christy from now on. I'm actually a little torn over some of these.
Yes, Mark was definitely a bit "much" at times. I think he could've been a lot classier with his ad-lib stuff. He didn't seem to understand that he wasn't presenting at a Broadway dance class and that some people will be doing the workout with their children home, you know. Otherwise I did like Step till you Drop, even though the second and third (Mark) instructors did seem to be all about dance class and less about effective exercise and good cuing. I liked the first section best, could do that one over & over! It's athletic and fun, really makes you sweat but you do have to think about what you're doing too. Both the girls on this tape have very likable personalities, and I guess Mark does too if you like the sauce a little thick.
The last couple of G-Force step tapes are okay (getting better actually) but still not really my thing. They seem to go back and forth from athletic one moment to overly dancy the next. I like Rob & Darren the best and, to be honest, Patrick really gets on my nerves. Maybe he & Mark ought to do a video together, they both seem more interested in teaching dance than working out. Oh, by the way, The ‘G' in G-Force is because all their last names begin with the letter ‘G'. Well, take it or leave it.
Step 2BFit is pretty fun but it's more choreography oriented and less intense. Phillip's cuing isn't always up to snuff but if you're already advanced in choreography, you'll get it pretty quick. I definitely recommend it if you're a choreo junkie.
On the tape with boxing and step, both of the instructors are very likable. The boxing is not really my thing but I tried it once just for fun and I do like the instructor, she seems very professional and motivating. I like that she's really tough but not intimidating. The step portion of that tape is fun but once in a while something the instructor does just feels funny. I dunno. She also doesn't seem to teach very efficiently but then again, I too have been completely spoiled by Cathe & Christy!
I can't stand the all kickbox one by Terri. She really got on my nerves, especially since she keeps making this sound like she's getting ready to throw up! I couldn't even finish previewing it.
Franny's was good. A couple of times during step she does something that doesn't feel completely natural to me but for the most part, it's pretty fun and keeps you breathing.
And Mindy's tape, well, what can I say, still waiting for one from her I can use. I really love Mindy but she just never does anything that's my style. I agree with the poster who said that it's a good video but definitely not grueling strength work like most of Cathe's which is really what I want. Besides, that paper plate under one foot thing just does not work on my carpet. I do, however, get a kick out of the fact that she brought it from her son's birthday party, ha! She's such a hoot, sure hope she does something I can use one of these days.
Hmmmm, sorry I've gotten so long winded here but I hope this helps.