New Cathe user and have some questions


Hi Everyone,

I recently ordered 10 Cathe videos (Intensity Series, Maximum Intensity Cardio, MI Strength, Kick, Punch & Crunch and the Ab tape).
I am new to Cathe but not to working out. I soley use the FIRM, but feel like it's time to step things up a notch. I workout 5-6 days a week. For legs I use two 25lb dumbbells. Upper body I go heavy as well.

Now that I have tried Cathe, I feel that I am so not where I thought I was. She is absolutely hard and amazing. I know that I can make my FIRM workouts intense, but there aren't enough sets in them like in Cathe.

So, I am now wondering a few things. Forgive me if this sounds naive, but if I am used to going super heavy with the FIRM, but can't go that heavy with Cathe, will I lose muscle mass that I have gained because I'm now doing more reps with lighter weight? My instincts tell me that won't happen. I want to know for sure though. I've been so successfull with the FIRM that I'm afraid to make changes. It seems silly, but I'm really afraid. Can you explain what will happen by going lighter and doing so many more reps?

I did Muscle Endurance last weekend and could not believe that after 4 sets of leg press on each leg, about 10 minutes later she did more!! This is exactly what I've been needing!! So, can someone ease my fears about the lighter weights thing and tell me that I will see even better results? Thanks so much!! I'm very excited to join you all!
--Jen :)
Hi Jen!

I started with Cathe after 1 1/2 years with the Firm as well. I had to do the same thing with my weights and I actually gained strength and definition! You won't loose anything and you'll love the challenge.

Welcome aboard!!

Hi Jen,

I'm not familiar with the Firm workouts, and can't really answer your question. I just wanted to mention that if you prefer to lift heavy, with fewer reps, then some of Cathe's other workouts might be what you're looking for: the Slow & Heavy Series, Pure Strength Series, and the new Gym Style Series. Each of these series are split workouts that focus on increasing muscle mass. The weight workouts that you have with the IS and MIS focus more on endurance and toning/shaping than on pure muscle building per se.

Hope this helps,
LOL Jen....she has made me talk ugly before when it comes time for that last set of leg presses in Muscle Endurance.

You most certainly picked the right instructor to "kick it up a notch with." Matter of fact, you will kick it up many nothces.

I do not think you will lose any muslce mass if you have to go lighter. You may even build lean muscle mass. It will probably only take you a few months (LOL) until you are ready to get heavier with your weights again. The Pyramid workouts you have will help you alot with building muscle.

Do not be afraid to make the change from the Firm to Cathe. A lot of us started here after out growing the Firm. You will be AMAZED at the changes in your body and energy level.

Keep posting and let us know how you are enjoying your new workouts!

Take care and welcome!!! :) Renee
Hi Jen!

Welcome!! I just want to say I think it's always a little scary when you start a new exercise regimen. It's normal to be afraid of losing something that you've worked so hard for, but I'll tell you, you won't lose a thing with Cathe!!! She definitely works you to fatigue, in a great way, cardiovascularly and weight wise. She has workouts for everything. You'll find the ones that work best for your particular goals. And there are so many great, knowledgable people here to guide and support you along the way as well!!! Have fun!!!:)
Ladies, you all rock!! Thank you for the warm welcome and for easing my fears! I am so excited about these workouts. I love feeling so challenged!! I will keep you posted about how I'm doing. Thanks again!
--Jen :)

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