New Cathe Rotations


Hey, is anyone else interested in making up some new Cathe rotations with these new tapes? All the possibilities are so exciting! I'm curious as to how everyone plans to use them, especially considering there's 8 tapes coming out and only 7 days in the week. Currently I'm using an old rotation that Cathe herself came up with back in September of '99. Some of the combinations she put together are pretty tough, but I think I'd better push myself to get in shape with Cathe rather than the FIRM. I was originally thinking of using XT series as compliment to the PS series.
So many possibilities, so little time.
Sounds Great!

Let's do it!! I'd rather do a Cathe rotation anyday then a Firm one. Maybe one day of the week we can combine 2 tapes to make an extra long workout day. Do a bit of cardio and some muscle conditioning in the same day. Sort of like creating a new BodyMax. The possibilities are endless.

I'll work on it in my "spare time"(I'll probably have to stay up late at night.) I'm going to include the 8 new tapes and also work in some of my old favorites only as far back as Step Heat. I also kickbox and run as Cathe has advised cross-training to prevent injury. It's really going to take a megadose of self control not to use the new tapes every single day. See what you come up with for 4 weeks and we'll compare notes.
Oh, can I join in!

I came up with a few a while ago in anticipation of all 8 tapes:

Mon: AM XP Vol.1 PM XP Vol.2
Tue: Cardio Kicks
Wed: AM XP Vol.3 PM XP Vol.4
Thur:Cardio Kicks
Fri: AM XP Vol.5 PM XP Vol.6
Sat: Cardio Kicks

Mon: Cardio Kicks
Tue: Circuit Max
Wed: Cardio Kicks
Thur:Circuit Max
Fri: Cardio Kicks
Sat: Circuit Max

Mon:Circuit Max XP1
Tue:Cardio Kicks XP2(minus chest work)
Wed:Circuit Max XP3(add chest work from XP2)
Thur:Cardio Kicks XP4(minus tricep work)
Fri:Circuit Max XP5 (add triceps from Vol. 4)
Sat:Cardio Kicks XP Vol. 6

Xpress Week:
Mon:AM Vol.1 PM Vol.2
Tue:AM Vol.3 PM Vol.4
Wed:AM Vol.5 PM Vol.6
Fri:AM Vol.1 PM Vol.2
Sat:AM Vol.3 PM Vol.4
Sun:AM Vol.5 PM Vol.6

I can't wait for my New Tapes

I was just thinking about this!

Now this will be a cool thread to print out once everyone has checked in here
...tons of ideas!

I was thinking about rotating my PS with the 6 pack and a it would basically flow like this..with rest days jammed in...cause you know we all need 'em

Start with PS flow into the 6pack then one circuit or MIS and then start again with the PS series. Of course...fitting in cardio where ever I can
!!! And just continue to make this circle of strength progressing from the split down to single body parts into endurance full body
Of course, I will probably get that 6 pack and not want to look at another strength tape for a month or two LOL.

This will be fun!

I'm channeling my creative powers
into mini topper making this weekend, but after that I'll turn them loose and see if I can come up with anything useful to a Cathe rotation. Do we want to go with just the new stuff, or mix some some old faves? I just KNOW that the MIC step section will go great with one of the XP ( LOVE that abbreviation, BTW!
) step sections! I'm also going to be doing extra kickboxing workouts leading up to the release date so my hip flexibility will be at its best for these workouts. Unfortunately, if I lay off kickboxing even for a week, I start to tighten back up again. Oh well! Hmm, this threatens to turn into an "anticipation of the new videos" ramble, so I had better stop now.
Have a great day, everyone!

Maria's rotation

Wow,I thought I was in good shape, but, girl, I couldn't keep up with you. Are you excited about Circuit Max & Cardio Kicks?
8 Pack rotation

What the heck is a "mini-topper"? Is that one of those Britney Spears shirts? Anyway, here's my 5 week Cathe Rotation. I had to include running for cross-training and some of my favorites. I tried to use the PS Series as complimentary to the cross-trainers. Sunday is always my day off. (Even God rested on the seventh day.) This was kind of hard to do not being familiar with the tapes, so I wrote out the cardio and muscle focus on the Express series because just naming the volume number wouldn't tell you much.

Week one: M PS B/B/A
TU Cardio Kicks
W XP Vol 6 (legs)
TH Imax
F XP Vol 5 (mixed cardio/triceps)
S PS C/S/T Run

Week two: M MIC
TU Circuit Max
W PS legs, run/walk
TH BodyMax
F XP Vol. 1 (Step/Back)

Week three: M PS CST, XP Vol.4 (step/shoulder)
TU Cardio Kicks
W Imax
TH XP Vol.2 (hi/lo and chest), XP Vol.5 (cardio mix and shoulder)
S Stepworks

Week four: M XP Vol.1 (step and back), XP Vol.6 (Legs)
TU Circuit Max
W PS C/S/T, Run/walk
TH XP Vol. 3 (kickbox and biceps), XP Vol.2 (hi/lo and chest)
F Cardio Kicks
S PS Legs, Run

Week five: M XP Vol. 4 (step and shoulder), XP Vol. 5 (cardio mix and tricep)
W XP Vol. 6 (legs)
TH Circuit Max
F PS B/B/A, XP Vol. 2 (hi/lo and chest)

This is going to be a challenge for me, especially time-wise. But I alway feel free to change workouts around and substitute shorter ones in when I absolutely have to. (Oops, forgot to work MIS in.) Too many tapes, too little time. Let me know what you think.
mini topper

LOL! No, it has nothing to do with Britanny Spears!
It's little mini step thing that Cathe and crew use in the PS series that fits over 1 riser or stack of risers. Step Co declined to manufacture them after Cathe did a survey here to see what interest there was. Since Cathe and crew made theirs from a regular Step Co step, I decided that I would make one also. So about a year and a half or so ago, I designed one ( using an extra platform I had ) and posted the instructions so that others could make them if they chose. Another Cathe fan named Wendy happened to be doing the same thing at the same time ( with our designs so similar it was scary !
), so I added some elements of hers to mine, and there it was! I've since made others, for my mom and as trade items for videos. That's what I was doing this past weekend, mini making for trade, having found a used Step Co step at my favorite consignment store.

I love how you mixed the Express tapes and the PS tapes! It looks like a tough rotation! HAve a great day!

Mini topper

Okay, you've totally peaked my curiosity at this point. I am jealous of that little thing and guess what!! I just happen to have step at my cabin that is rarely being used. Do you think a "yutz" like me could convert to a mini-topper? Does this involve power tools? (Power tools are scary.) Would you mind posting the instructions again? That would be SO cool! Thanks. Julie
Hi Julie!

Go to the top of the page and click on the "find" icon (flashlight). Then type in Mini step for your keyword. Also, for which forums, use, "search all forums". Which fields, use "ALL", and then enter to check the "Last 3 months. This will take you to a page that you will need to scroll down to "Open Discussion" and then from there, click on "Directions for Mini Step." It will give you all the directions and supplies you need to build ErinF's mini step. Hope this is not too confusing. Let me know if you find it okay. I can even e-mail you the directions if you want.

Mini topper instructions

Julie, I emailed you the instructions as well as pics of my min topper.

By the way, after my mini making this weekend, I decided it was time to update the instructions, so anyone who has been holding onto the old instructions until they find a step ( or courage
), might want to email for the new ones. They aren't fundamentally different. I put them into Word format, and added tips that were fresh in my mind that might help make things go more smoothly. Also, enough people have made them now and emailed me with their experiences that I thought it was time to add a trouble shooting section for if the road to your mini topper isn't as smooth as you had hoped.
Just a suggestion. Take it or leave it!

If I can get 1 in per day...

......I'll think I'm doin' good!! So many videos, so little time!!

Hi Erin,
I have been waiting for my DH to build my mini-topper using your old instructions, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet. I couldn't figure out how to email you so I was wondering if you could email me your new instructions, and/or maybe we could work a trade sometime.

1 in per day.......

Getting one in per day is doing Great! My rotation is ambitious and I haven't seen all the videos yet so I'm sure I'll be rearranging my schedule, but it's fun to see how we can put all these tapes together for a super routine! Fun, Fun Fun.....

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