New Cathe fan


I discovered Cathe on March 31 (got the wedding video from my library) after getting serious about my fitness level. I now have every video except the series. Rythmic Step still scares me a little, so haven't tried that one yet! I have other tapes but always come back to Cathe. Just ordered Leaner Legs, PH, Strong Legs, Body Max, MIC and MIS.

Will someone please come to my house after I do these and call 911 for me? :)

I'm new here too! Received the 23 DVD set yesterday, but had done some Cathe step before. Let's just say I *finally* was able to get all the way through a CTX series (10-10-10) today, and I LOOOOVED it so much that tonight I just finished StepFit!! There is no one like Cathe for keeping you motivated, getting proper form and feeling like you're exercising with a friend. Welcome!

Welcome to Cathe-land Ladies!! :-jumpy

I've been hooked on Cathe for roughly 8 years, and she's still the one I turn to for a kick-butt, truly fun workout!! Rythmic Step .. while a bit tricky in spots, is a total BLAST!! Preview first ... then just GO FOR IT!! I just started on a Power Hour rotation, and just *love* that one too! Cathe has yet to make a tape that I don't treasure! My place ever catches on fire .. I'm grabbing my Cathe collection first! :)

Have Fun!! :)
Hi Rose,
I've been a Cathe fan for about 4 years and love all her tapes. You will love Rythmic Step. One reason why I love her workouts is because I never get bored and they work me hard. She also has great music and she is very motivating. Also, this site is great. Everyone is so nice and very helpful.

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