new cathe fan


Well, I have only been a Cathe convert now for 2 months and have already bought 5 tapes. My husband thinks I need therapy, I think I just need a few more tapes. I have the wedding tape, Mega Step Blast, Step Max, Step Jam, and MIC (can only do first half of MIC). I am having a blast!
Haven't had this much fun working out since I was an 18 year old. Anyway, looks like (from the favorite Cathe poll results on the web site) that BodyMax was voted most favorite and Interval Max was next favorite (out of cardio workouts). I know the format of these videos, but what makes them your favorites? Great music?

My next question is, "if I can handle the choreography in Step Jam, will I be able to handle the choreography in Powermax and/or Stepfit? I know that I wouldn't be able to complete BodyMax for some time, but I've heard that the step routine is so much fun that I'm kinda interested in ordering BodyMax just for the step section.

Any comments/opinions would be helpful. Except please don't tell me I need therapy. I already know that I'm in need of that.

I, too, am new to Cathe and I am in the same exact boat as you are!! I want MORE!! My fiancee thinks I'm insane for wanting to order more tapes when I just got MIS, MIC, the PS series and Interval Max. Sorry I can't offer you guidance on the other tapes, but I just thought I'd let you know that you are NOT in need of are just addicted to Cathe. It's inevitable, she's incredible and I'm having a blast too.
me too!

I'm in the exact same boat as you too - and have just about the same tapes you mentioned! I'm not familiar with Step Fit, but I have done Power Max (I love it!). I find that Cathe cues so well that I didn't have much problem picking up the choreography in Power Max. The third section has some tricky steps, but it only took a couple times for me to get it and didn't interfere with my enjoyment in any way. I think if you can do Step Jam you can do Power Max.

I tried BodyMax once on a whim, not having previewed it for awhile, figuring ?oh, I'll just modify if it gets too hard? - WOW! I thought I was going to die! It was quite hard, for me anyway. I haven't had the guts to try it again for a LONG TIME, nor do I have the guts even to preview Interval Max!!! But I'm happy to know I have so much to look forward to!

To answer your questions about why Power Max is such a favorite - for me, it has great music, fun choreography, and I get such an excellent workout. I am in a good mood and very relaxed (and dripping with sweat) when I'm done.

I'm glad to hear there are other new Cathe converts out there! I thought I was going to be disappointed if I ended up not liking my other non-Cathe tapes so much anymore, but I find that I'm SO happy with Cathe's tapes that I don't even care that I don't like my other tapes as much as I used to! <img src=?> My SO also doesn't understand why I keep wanting more tapes when I already have some. I hope to get him to try one and then he might feel differently!
Hooked on Cathe too!!

Don't worry you don't need therapy. I got started on Cathe maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago and guess what? I now own 6 Cathe tapes[hmm, maybe we both need therapy]!! My first tape was indeed BodyMax. I do love it!! It took me 3-4 tries before I got the steps down, but even before then I was drenched in sweat!! It's intense,interesting, and invigorating!! After you finish, you really feel as if you've accomplished something. This tape is a must have!! My other tapes[they came yesterday and i did StepHeat today] are StepHeat, The Wedding Video, Mega-Step-Blast, MIS, & Step-N-Motion1. Iliked StepHeat,but I didn't love it like BodyMax. Let me know what you think about yours!!
I'm loving Cathe too!

The first tapes I bought were The Wedding tape, BodyMax, Powermax, MIC,MIS, and PS Strong Legs. I have been doing the Wedding Tape, BodyMax and PS Strong Legs. I must say that I love BodyMax, it leaves me completely drenched and happy

Welcome to the club!

I never thought I would order so many Cathe tapes, but it is addictive because they are so challenging and fun. My 1st tapes (in January) were Powermax, Stepfit, Stepworks, and MIS. (Buy 3 get 1 free is the best).
I bought Interval Max and BodyMax about 3 months ago. BodyMax will totally WORK you out, but it is fun to split up the tape when you don't have the energy to do it all (I really like the circuits in the middle). I just did Interval Max for the 1st time yesterday (I was kind of scared of it) and I was able to do 9 of the 10 intervals. YEAH!
Last month I got VOL 1&2 of Pure Strength and I also pre-ordered all 8 new tapes! I have never pre-ordered any tapes,but I have also never pushed myself so hard while working out. This is the best type of Addiction!
Out of all these tapes, the 2 must-haves are Powermax and Bodymax!( you can get all the rest later!) Enjoy!
Welcome to the wonderful world of kickbutt workouts!

My first Cathe tape was Step Jam. It took me three times to really get this tape down. I didn't think that was too bad considering I'd never done advanced choreography before. Anyway, having mastered Step Jam made every tape afterwards easier to learn! Trust me, if you're doing Step Jam, you'll pick up Cathe's other tapes too. Her cuing is so terrific! Her attitude is so uplifting! Her physique is so inspiring!

Tell your husband that buying more Cathe tapes IS therapy! Glad to have you here!
You CAN do it

I'm relatively new to Cathe as well. I started out with Step Max and Mega Step Blast (I bow at the feet of those of you who STARTED with Powermax, Stepworks, etc.). The first time I did a Cathe video I told my husband it was the most difficult video I had ever done (he said,.." it was also the most noisy" - the room where I exercise is on the second floor over the room where he watches TV - well, you've done the vidoes, you can imagine).

The beauty of the Cathe videos, in my humble opinion, is that once you get familiar with her style of choreography and cuing, the rest is a matter of intensity and you can always build up to that. It's what keeps me coming back - her tapes continue to be challenging and fresh weeks and months after you put them into your program. Plus, she is so good about explaining (and encouraging) modifications.

As for your husband, once he sees the results, he'll be encouraging your video habit.

Finally, for what it's worth, as I built my collection of Cathe tapes, I developed a theory that the shorter her hair, the more difficult the workout. Well, it would appear from the photos of the new tapes filming posted on this website that my theory is in the trash. Her hair is longer, but my guess is that we are in for 8 workouts the likes of which we've never seen!

Good luck - you will love whatever Cathe video(s) you decide on. And, finally (I promise) a word to the wise - it's destiny - if you are a Cathe convert, sooner or later you will own all of her videos.

Well, it's official. I'm a Cathe addict. I just bought Bodymax and The Wedding Tape. I can't get enough. I'm dying to order the new 8 pack, but I really think my fiancee might think twice about my sanity and cancel the wedding altogether.

I figure that it's justified though, because after only month and a half of discovering Cathe and doing her tapes, my fiancee looked at me this morning and said that he can actually see a six pack and definition in my arms. And with my sleeveless wedding gown...those arms are my main mission!!

It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my obsession!!! And THANKS to CATHE & CREW for such amazing, challenging and fun workouts. Can't wait for my new tapes.
Congrats on your upcoming wedding!

And on doing so well with the Cathe tapes! Is there a better reward that seeing those muscles appear and having other people notice as well? Perhaps Cathe can start a bridal and baby registry so you can receive the new tapes as a shower gift!

If you are concentrating on your arms, you'll appreciate the Crazy 8's in Bodymax. Or, more accurately, you probably won't appreciate them while you're doing them, but you'll love the results. To paraphrase a song from my generation, "if being a Cathe addict is wrong, I don't wanna be right."

Keep up the good work and best wishes for a beautiful wedding day.

Thanks Janet

I appreciate your kind words and well wishes. I am so thrilled that I found out about Cathe. Not only are the workouts incredible, but there is also the added bonus of finding a wonderful group of folks, like you, willing to encourage and support each other. This forum is great! I'm hooked.
Thank You!

You have all said the sweetest things. I loved reading this post because of how you're all inspiring one another. There is such an encouraging energy in the air here. Love it! I'm glad you're enjoying your videos. The new ones will be here soon

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